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彭静 2024-06-17 09:54:40









1. In most successful organisations, some people believe that communication between managers and workers is important, while other people said that other factors are more significant. What is your opinion?(管理者和员工之间的沟通,还是其他因素,对企业的成功更重要?)

It is true that many people argue that, in any efficient organisation, it is vital that there is good communication between managers and workers. In my opinion, while this is one aspect to consider, I consider that other factors are more important.

On the one hand, in order to conduct a business or organisation effectively, communication among all the workforce is necessary. A breakdown in communications may be one reason why a production process in a factory comes to a stop. The management may not be aware, for example, of problems with a machine or the raw material, if they do not regularly consult the workers. In a store, the manager must train the staff to offer good customer service, so that the employees understand how to provide this. In an organisation such as a hospital, the managers have to see the big picture, and talk constantly to doctors, nurses and support staff to ensure that everyone knows their tasks and has everything they need to carry them out.

On the other hand, I would argue that job satisfaction is the most important factor in creating a successful working environment. No organisation can prosper if the workers are dissatisfied. An authoritarian style of management which dictates to the workforce is no basis for reaching a consensus. When workers enjoy a decent salary, with sick leave, holiday entitlement and a retirement package, then the organisation will benefit enormously from the loyalty of their staff. Supportive work colleagues cooperate to ensure that things run smoothly, and therefore I believe that worker cooperatives without management are the future.

In conclusion, in a traditional management structure, communication with the workers is important. However, when the workforce organises itself, this results in an effective organisation with satisfied workers.

2. Many people think that increasing business and cultural contacts between countries is a positive development. However, others believe that these are leading to the loss of national identities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(国家间的商业和文化交流是一种积极的发展,还是会导致民族身份的丧失?)

It is true that growing business and cultural contacts are part of the modern process of globalisation. While some people mourn the loss of national identity which they believe occurs as a result of this process, I disagree with that view on the basis that it is important to embrace change and accept new realities.

The expansion of business and cultural exchanges across the world is a positive feature of contemporary life. Companies have broken into new markets by doing market research and taking into consideration local differences in consumer demands and preferences. They introduce new products without dismissing traditional ideas. The appearance, for example, of McDonald’s fast food outlets in Malaysia, China or Vietnam is not incompatible with the success of restaurants serving time-honoured cuisine. Such innovations do not necessarily mark the disappearance of traditional ways of life and to accept new customs is to extend choice for every consumer.

Thus, it is an exaggeration to maintain that these developments will lead to the loss of a strong sense of identity in countries. For example, people in many former colonial nations have embraced change, but they still proudly preserve traditional cultural traits. In India, English – the language of the former colonial power – is widely spoken, but this has not led to the disappearance of local languages or indigenous cultural practices. Therefore, joining modern culture does not always mean that national or local customs have to be abandoned. On the contrary, enforced isolation from trade and cultural contacts with other countries will have the inevitable consequence of withdrawal from all the changes taking place globally.

In conclusion, I would argue that the growth of contacts in commerce and culture is a positive development which will not destroy national identities.

3. Most large companies nowadays operate multi-nationally. To what extent do multinational companies have responsibility toward local communities in which they operate?(跨国公司在多大程度上对当地社区负有责任?)

It is true that, in this era of globalisation, most large companies operate outside the confines of national borders. While it is necessary that companies maximise their profits, this must not be at the expense of the welfare of the people in areas where these companies are based.

From a social perspective, multinational enterprises should provide jobs for local people and ensure that workers and their families have adequate salaries and access to health and education services. The horrors of the industrial revolution in Europe and America must be avoided– child labour, starvation wages and unhealthy working conditions. It is also in the self-interest of multinational firms to employ a healthy and educated workforce. Physically fit workers are more productive and mentally alert to the importance of health and safety at work. Finally, an educated workforce gives the company more flexibility, as skilled employees can be switched from one task to another to meet production requirements, as in the case of car assembly plants like Ford or Nissan.

From an environmental perspective, multinational firms must safeguard the natural resources of the area in which they operate. Local communities may traditionally depend on such resources for their survival. Irresponsible oil extraction by firms such as Shell or Texaco, for example, may result in oil spills which devastate the local fishing industry, as incidents in Alaska have shown. Similarly, unsustainable logging of timber for construction or paper manufacture may have serious effects on local farmers due to resultant soil erosion. Thus, it is essential to re-invest corporate profits into schemes to prevent pollution and to guarantee the long-term prosperity of local communities.

In conclusion, multinational companies have a moral duty and a practical interest in improving the quality of life of the local communities in which they conduct their operations.

4. As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?(除了赚钱,企业也有社会责任?)

The idea that, besides making money, enterprises also need to have public responsibilities remains a source of controversy. In my opinion, while generating profit is the top priority for each company, I agree that they should also conduct their business in a socially responsible manner.

On the one hand, the efforts of companies to maximise their profits may have some benefits for society as a whole. Firstly, the higher the profits earned by enterprises, the more taxes they pay to the government. As a result, authorities may have more revenue to spend in key fields, including education and health care, which leads to an improvement in the quality of life of the whole community. Secondly, by earning huge profits companies have the opportunity to grow their business. For example, firms could use their capital to expand their production, creating new job opportunities within the community.

On the other hand, there are strong reasons why businesses should also accept that they have social responsibilities. The first reason is that their activities have an effect on the environment. Without controls, production processes may result in serious environmental degradation, such as global warming stemming from factory emissions or the irresponsible disposal of industrial waste. For example, if factories installed waste treatment systems instead of discharging chemical wastes into rivers, water pollution could be controlled. Another reason is that enterprises should help those who are less fortunate, since they have the money to do so. For example, big corporations such as Unilever and Vinamilk have enhanced their public image through philanthropic actions such as providing scholarships and giving charitable donations.

In conclusion, although I recognise that making profits is the fundamental principle of business, I would argue that all businesses should profoundly reflect upon their social responsibilities.

5. Students should pay the full cost for their own study, because university education benefits individuals rather than society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(学生应该为自己的学习支付全部费用吗?)

Some people believe that students should not receive help with the costs of their university education. While graduates may benefit individually later in life from the opportunity to pursue a successful career, I would argue that the government should provide funding for students.

In many cases, it is true that students benefit from their university education in terms of future salaries. Headhunting corporations compete with each other to offer attractive employment to graduates. Graduates can expect to have better job prospects than non-graduates, enjoying higher pay and good promotion opportunities. They will, therefore, be more likely to live in prosperous neighbourhoods, with an enviable lifestyle. For example, in the USA college graduates may earn two or three times as much as an unskilled worker.

However, I consider that there are two important reasons why students should not pay the full cost of their university education. Firstly, they acquire skills which are useful, and sometimes essential, to society as a whole. Doctors, scientists and engineers are obvious examples, but other professions should not be forgotten, such as teachers, artists or philosophers. Secondly, if students have to pay for their education, they may be forced to pay off a huge student loan when they graduate, or they may have to work their way through college. In the latter case, their studies will suffer, and some may fall behind with their studies or even drop out of college.

In conclusion, I disagree that students should pay the full cost of their university education. Although in some cases they benefit individually from having a degree, they also contribute to the prosperity and well-being of society and, therefore, deserve some financial support while studying.


1. Schools should focus on academic success and passing examinations. Skills such as cookery, dressmaking and woodwork should not be taught at school as it is better to learn these from family and friends. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(烹饪、裁缝和木工等技能不应该由学校来教,最好是从家人和朋友那里学习?)

It is true that many people believe that schools should only teach academic subjects and prepare students for formal exams. I disagree completely with this view, and I would argue that teaching practical life skills is essential.

Firstly, it is a mistake to tailor teaching strategies to the narrow focus of academic subjects and exam success. It is impossible for every student to pursue a successful career with fantastic job prospects in fields such as finance, medicine, law or education. All of these demand academic skills, but the job market for these professions is relatively small. Those who fail their exams will consider themselves as failures. Such negative feelings will inevitably shape a child’s personality and values during their formative years. Only a few students who are high-flyers will succeed and enjoy the material rewards of their academic success.

Secondly, while children need to acquire practical skills, there may be no family or friends to help them. Consider, for example, single-parent households, with no father to teach DIY skills, or households in which working mothers have no time to teach children to cook or sew. There are, too, many dysfunctional families in which, for whatever reasons, parental involvement in bringing up their offspring is almost completely absent. Yet children need to learn these domestic skills, and the only place for many of them to do this is in school. Otherwise, when they enter adult life, they will rely on expensive ready meals or on buying new clothes and furniture when all that is needed is a simple repair.

In conclusion, I totally disagree with an educational policy which focuses only on academic subjects and exam success. Schools must place equal value on life skills to ensure the full development of children.

2. Many university students live with their families, while others live away from home because their universities are in different places. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both situations?(大学生与家人住一起,和离家居住,这两种情况各自的优缺点?)

It is true that, although some university students are able to live with their families while studying in their home town, others are forced to live away from home in order to pursue their studies. There are advantages and disadvantages of both these situations.

If university students are able to live with their families, there are both benefits and drawbacks. Firstly, one major advantage is that they are able to economize, since they do not have to pay for accommodation. Secondly, they enjoy family support in terms of sharing meals, heating costs, possibly even sharing a room with a brother or sister. However, the home situation may also have its disadvantages. Family routines are often disruptive for students who have to concentrate on their studies in a quiet atmosphere. Without a dedicated space in which to study, for example in the evenings or at weekends, it is hard to keep up with a study schedule.

On the other hand, when students live away from home, they also face challenges. One disadvantage is having to find accommodation. Universities are often located in major urban centres, where rents are high if students have to find a room with even the basic facilities. However, there are benefits of learning to study independently in another city. Students are able to escape the distractions of family life, and thereby establish study routines and form friendships with other students who find themselves in the same situation. These factors may help them in their studies.

In conclusion, while there will clearly be differences in the personal circumstances of individual university students, some potential advantages and disadvantages of living at home or away from home can be identified.

3. Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available through the internet, and they can study just as well at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(孩子可以通过互联网在家学习,所以学校不再是必要的?)

It is true that the digital revolution has had profound affects on important aspects of our lives, including education. While advances in technology have led some people to argue that children no longer need schooling, but should instead study online at home, I completely disagree with such a view.

Schools are necessary because they play an essential role in educating children. Firstly, even assuming that all children are computer-literate and have access to the internet at home, teachers impose discipline. In many households, both parents are out at work, so it is unrealistic to imagine a child sitting alone studying online all day, without distractions. Secondly, studying under supervision, children are not only disciplined but their progress is monitored and supervised, with teachers giving feedback and guidance. In this way, children will not fall behind with their studies. Finally, student interaction in the classroom promotes vital social skills of cooperation and teamwork, for example through classroom projects.

On the other hand, the internet is unsuitable as a unique teaching tool for children to educate themselves at home. Whereas teachers tailor their teaching strategies to meet the needs of individual students, the internet has no such flexibility. Interactive learning is possible through some online sites, but this can only take the form of multiple-choice questions and answers. It is no substitute for face-to- face learning in which students interact with both teachers and fellow-students. There is another important consideration. The development of the ability to sift information available online only comes later when students enter higher education or enrol on a vocational course.

In conclusion, although there are excellent study sites online, schools provide the necessary structural framework in which learning can take place in a disciplined study environment.







