首页 > 经验 > 2024年8月17日雅思纸笔考试写作机经及答案


彭静 2024-08-19 09:40:48





小作文TASK 1:柱状图

the charts below show the information relating to the protein intakes and calory intakes in four different regions in 2004.




大作文TASK 2:高管工资

Some people think it is a good thing for senior managers to have much higher salaries than the other workers in a company. To what extent do you agree or disagree?






It is a widely debated issue whether it is justified for senior managers to receive significantly higher salaries compared to other workers in a company . In my opinion , I strongly disagree with this notion and believe that a more equitable distribution of salaries would be fairer and better for overall company performance .


Firstly , it is important to consider the principle of fairness . All employees within a company contribute to its success , whether they are senior managers or regular workers . They all play vital roles in achieving the company 's goals and objectives . Therefore , it seems unjustifiable to reward a select few with exorbitant salaries while others receive significantly lower wages . This kind of unequal treatment leads to demotivation and a sense of inequality among the workforce , which can ultimately hinder productivity and teamwork .


Furthermore , providing senior managers with significantly higher salaries can lead to detrimental consequences for the company . When individuals at the top receive disproportionately high rewards , it can create a culture of greed and self -interest . These managers may prioritize personal gains over the best interests of the company , which can result in unethical behavior and poor decision -making . In contrast , if salaries are distributed more equally , it would foster a sense of collective responsibility and encourage all employees to strive for the company 's success .


Moreover , a fair and equal compensation system can have positive effects on employee morale and satisfaction . When workers perceive that their contributions are valued and fairly rewarded , their motivation and job satisfaction increase . This , in turn , leads to higher levels of commitment and productivity . On the other hand , when employees feel undervalued and underpaid , it can result in demotivation , high turnover rates , and a decline in overall company performance .


In conclusion , I firmly believe that it is not justifiable for senior managers to receive significantly higher salaries than other workers in a company . Such an inequitable distribution of salaries can breed demotivation , create a culture of self -interest , and adversely affect employee morale . By implementing a more equal compensation system , companies can foster a sense of fairness , collective responsibility , and ultimately achieve better overall performance .



justified 合理的

senior managers 高层管理者

regular workers 普通员工

an equitable distribution of salaries 工资的公平分配

the principle of fairness 公平原则

play vital roles in... 在……中起着至关重要的作用

unjustifiable 不合理的

a select few 少数精选出来的人或物

exorbitant 过高的

demotivation 消极怠工,丧失动力

disproportionately 不成比例地

prioritize A over B 优先考虑A而不是B,将A置于B之上

a sense of collective responsibility 集体责任感

compensation system 薪酬体系

turnover rate 员工流失率,人员流动率