首页 > 经验 > 2024年9月雅思写作预测题:大作文预测重点及范文


刘燕 2024-09-04 14:10:16





1. People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world. What are the reasons for this, and how can people learn more about the natural world?(人们对自然界的重要性了解甚少。这其中的原因是什么?人们怎样才能更多地了解自然世界?)

It is true that most people do not realize how important the natural world is. While there are some reasons to explain this lack of knowledge, there are ways in which people can improve their understanding.

I believe that the major reason why many people do not appreciate the value of the natural world is the disappearance of traditional ways of life. In terms of work, hunting, fishing or agriculture are now the occupation of a small minority of the workforce in most countries. Advances in technology mean that most people now spend a large part of their day in a closed working environment, such as an office, shop or factory, without any contact with nature. From a cultural perspective, traditional festivals related to the natural seasons in agricultural communities have fallen by the wayside. Celebrations of nature, for example at times of spring or harvest, which once provided a link to our roots, continue only in the hands of an ageing population, while younger generations are addicted to the electronic media.

However, people can learn about the natural world in three important ways. Firstly, there are many opportunities to become involved in local volunteer work, carrying out environmentally friendly tasks like planting trees. Secondly, schools should include nature studies and environmental science in the curriculum. Finally, more nature documentaries on TV and the internet would stimulate a revival of interest in the world around us. They are an excellent means of informing the public about life on the planet, and the need to combat the environmental degradation which threatens it.

In conclusion, although there are important reasons why there is little public understanding of the natural world, there are ways in which this lack of knowledge can be overcome.

2. It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than that of young people in many countries in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?(预计未来在许多国家,老年人的比例将高于年轻人的比例。你认为这是一个积极的还是消极的发展?)

It is predicted that in many countries the percentage of the elderly population will be higher than the proportion of the young generation. While this will create some problems, I believe that it is on balance a positive development.

On the one hand, the main issue confronting countries with a large elderly population is the cost of providing public health services. As people grow older, they generally need more medical attention. It will, therefore be necessary for governments to impose spending cuts or to raise taxes on incomes or goods in order to provide funding for increased health care. In countries like the USA and the UK, many people fear that they may be faced with large health bills in their old age and have decided to take out private health insurance. They argue that the resources of a welfare state will not be adequate to guarantee good health care when they are old.

On the other hand, I agree with those who argue that the world is changing and fewer young people will be required to work in future. Firstly, advances in technology mean fewer young workers are needed. Robotics technology is still in its infancy, but fewer workers are needed now in many occupations. For example, labour- saving appliances have replaced many workers in the industrial and service sectors. Secondly, as populations age, the number of people will decline. The present world population of about 9 billion is depleting the natural resources on which everyone depends.

In conclusion, although the health costs of caring for an increasingly elderly population will be high initially, an aging population will avoid both the future problems of an army of young jobless people, and also population pressure which will provoke an ecological crisis.

3. More and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?(越来越多的人想买名牌的衣服、汽车和其他物品。原因是什么?你认为这是一个积极的还是消极的发展?)

It is true that a growing number of people want to buy well-known designer labels of many consumer products. While there are some obvious reasons for this trend, I believe that it is a totally negative development.

The reasons for the increasing consumer concern with brand names are simple to explain. Firstly, the marketing departments of giant corporations aim to identify their goods with a glamorous and successful lifestyle, and people are easily swayed by advertisements. Companies often use celebrity endorsement to promote their products, with famous people like Cristiano Ronaldo or Victoria Beckham. Secondly, the possession of a Mercedes car or a Gucci handbag, for example, advertises one’s own wealth and taste to others. The idea behind owning a brand name is to make others jealous.

However, I would argue that this is a completely negative development. In terms of what ordinary people can afford, consumers are encouraged by corporations to squander their savings on designer goods which the companies promise will improve their lives and make them happy. From a social perspective, such messages are very dangerous, encouraging crime, for example to steal the latest cell phones from people in the street. The target audience is often young people, who companies seek to attract by promoting brand awareness of their products such as Coca Cola, Nike or Samsung. These are now considered to be essential items to have in our modern global village.

In conclusion, there are some important reasons to explain why many people find brand name products so attractive. Although famous designer labels are increasingly in demand, I would argue that this form of consumerism gives people a false idea of what is important in our lives.

4. More and more people in the city live in homes with small spaces or no outdoor areas. Do you think it is a negative or positive development?(城市里越来越多的人住在空间狭小或没有户外空间的房子里。你认为这是一个消极的还是积极的发展?)

It is true that increasing numbers of people now live in cities in housing which is cramped or where there is no outdoor area. While living in small flats or houses may be more affordable, I would argue that this is largely a negative development.

Smaller housing units are cheaper to rent or to buy, and therefore many urban dwellers choose to live in them as the best available option. In the developing world, the mass exodus to the cities has resulted in a high population density, and the available housing stock has been inadequate to cope with growing demands. High- rise buildings, comprising small flats, have been constructed as a response to public housing needs or as the best means for property developers to make money. Yet they are in popular demand, as many people are prepared to put up with living in a confined space or to endure squalid living conditions, because they cannot afford exorbitant rents. It is a much better alternative than living on the streets.

However, this trend in the property market has significant negative aspects. Firstly, with lack of space comes lack of privacy. Even in a developed country like the UK, many traditional houses which used to occupy the inner city areas, have now been divided into multiple occupancy, with all the inconvenience of sharing bathrooms and kitchens. Secondly, a feature of contemporary urban living is the lack of a garden, or even a yard, in which children can play or laundry can be dried. If children cannot play outside in the sunshine, then their physical development will suffer and, of course, they will be unhappy.

In conclusion, while some welcome a small living space as their only financial option, this trend must be regarded as largely negative.

5. People are living longer. Some people think that this it causes big problems. Others, however, think the aging population has many advantages for business, government and for society in general. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(人们的寿命更长了。有些人认为这会引起大问题。然而,其他人认为人口老龄化对企业、政府和整个社会都有很多好处。讨论两种观点并给出你自己的观点。)

It is true that the life expectancy of people throughout the world is increasing. While some people fear the consequences of this trend, I agree with those who contend that it has significant benefits for business, government and the whole of society.

On the one hand, some believe that an aging population will have serious economic and social consequences, and will therefore present serious problems for national and local authorities. They imagine a decline in labour productivity as the workforce becomes older. Then, as people extend their working lives, they foresee a time when younger people will be denied the chance to pursue a successful career and will have only limited promotion opportunities. They also argue that an increasingly elderly population will place an intolerable strain on public health services and on state-funded pension schemes. If governments do not curb public spending in these areas, it will be necessary to impose spending cuts which will impact unfairly on younger people, in fields like education and family allowances. On the other hand, I agree with the view that such fears are exaggerated.

Firstly, technology has revolutionized the nature of work, and modern high- skills businesses require employees who have acquired skills and knowledge over many years. Instead of taking early retirement, senior employees can easily job-share with younger colleagues, passing on their valuable experience. Secondly, when governments prioritize expenditure on health, every member of society benefits. Also, with the promotion of health awareness campaigns and the growing emphasis on preventive medicine, many people are remaining fit for most of their lives.

The view that older people should be economically marginalized and represent a burden to society is profoundly misguided, and governments must instead recognize the contribution of older people to the economy and to society as a whole.



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