首页 > 经验 > 2024年8月10日雅思纸笔考试写作阅读机经及答案


彭静 2024-08-13 09:35:26




Reading Passage 1



1. YES / 2. NOT GIVEN / 3. NO / 4. YES

5.B / 6.F /7.D / 8.C /9.G /10.A /11.B / 12.D / 13.B

Reading Passage 2


14.iv / 15. vii / 16.i / 17.viii / 18.V / 19.ii /

20.songs / 21.statues / 22.human / 23.continents

24. rivers / 25-26.DC

Reading Passage 3


27. Y  /  28.NG  /  29.N  /  30. Y

31.C  /  32.H  /  33.B  /  34.G

35.F  /  36.A  /  37.B  /  38.C

39. B  /  40.D

Writing 写作

Task 1小作文:柱状图

The bar chart gives information about the dairy production (in metric tonnes) of the top three world producers in 2012. 柱状图显示了2012年世界三大乳制品生产商的乳制品产量(公吨)信息。



Task 2 大作文

Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? 如今,越来越多的人决定在晚年生孩子。这种趋势的优点是否大于缺点?




In recent years , there has been a growing trend of individuals choosing to have children later in life . This phenomenon has sparked a debate on whether the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages . While some people argue that postponing parenthood offers numerous benefits such as financial stability and greater emotional readiness , I believe that the drawbacks of having children later in life are more prominent .


To begin with , there are indeed some advantages to having children later in life . One major advantage is financial stability . By postponing parenthood , individuals have more time to establish their careers and accumulate wealth , which can provide a more comfortable life for their future children . Furthermore , older parents often have more life experience and emotional readiness , which can contribute to their ability to be nurturing and supportive caregivers . Additionally , as people age , they tend to have more established social networks , which can provide a strong support system for both the parents and the children .


However , despite these advantages , it is important to consider the disadvantages of having children later in life . One significant disadvantage is the increased health risks associated with pregnancy at an advanced age . Women over the age of 35 are more likely to experience complications such as gestational diabetes , high blood pressure , and chromosomal abnormalities in their babies . Moreover , older parents may face challenges in keeping up with the physical demands of raising children , which can impact their ability to be actively involved in their child 's life . Additionally , having children later in life can result in a shorter period of active parenting . This means that older parents may not have as much time to spend with their children and may not be around for important milestones in their child 's life . Moreover , older parents may also face the emotional strain of dealing with age -related health issues while simultaneously raising young children .


In conclusion , although there are advantages to delaying parenthood such as financial stability and emotional readiness , the disadvantages of having children later in life outweigh these benefits . The health risks associated with advanced age pregnancies and the potential lack of time and energy to actively parent are significant concerns . Therefore , it is important for individuals to carefully consider the implications of postponing parenthood and make informed decisions based on their personal circumstances and priorities .



postponing parenthood 推迟生育

financial stability 经济稳定

emotional readiness 情感准备

accumulate wealth 积累财富

nurturing and supportive caregivers 培育型和支持型的养育者

a strong support system 强大的支持系统

pregnancy at an advanced age 高龄怀孕

complications 并发症

emotional strain 情感压力

age -related health issues 与年龄有关的健康问题

make informed decisions 做出明智的决定