首页 > 经验 > 美国洛杉矶承认雅思的大学有哪些?要求多少分


刘燕 2024-04-29 09:34:39












Cope Health Solutions应对健康解决方案United States of America6.5Graduate Admissions研究生招生
Cope Health Solutions应对健康解决方案United States of America6Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
Pacific States University太平洋州立大学United States of America4.5Graduate Admissions研究生招生
California State University, Los Angeles加州州立大学,洛杉矶United States of America6Graduate Admissions研究生招生
Pacific States University太平洋州立大学United States of America6.5Other Admissions其他招生
California State University, Los Angeles加州州立大学,洛杉矶United States of America5.5Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
Pacific States University太平洋州立大学United States of America4.5Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
Otis College of Art and Design奥的斯艺术设计学院United States of America7.5Graduate Admissions研究生招生
Otis College of Art and Design奥的斯艺术设计学院United States of America6.5Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
Loyola Marymount University洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学United States of America7College of Business Administration (Graduate)工商管理学院(研究生)
Loyola Marymount University洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学United States of America-Graduate研究生
Loyola Marymount University洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学United States of America6.5Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
Los Angeles City College洛杉矶城市学院United States of America4.5Associate Admissions联合招生
University of Southern California南加州大学United States of America-American Language Institute美国语言学会
University of Southern California南加州大学United States of America6.5Graduate研究生
University of Southern California南加州大学United States of America7Law Schools法学院
Beverly Hills Design Institute比佛利山设计学院United States of America5Associate二年制的学位课程
University of Southern California南加州大学United States of America7School of Pharmacy药学院
Beverly Hills Design Institute比佛利山设计学院United States of America4.5Other其他
University of Southern California南加州大学United States of America7Undergraduate本科
Beverly Hills Design Institute比佛利山设计学院United States of America5Undergraduate本科
American University Preparatory School美国大学预备学校United States of America5High School Admissions高中录取
Loyola Law School洛约拉法学院United States of America7Law Schools法学院
Nobel University诺贝尔大学United States of America6Graduate研究生
Nobel University诺贝尔大学United States of America5Undergraduate本科
Colburn Conservatory of Music科尔本音乐学院United States of America5.5Music Performance Diploma (Associate)音乐表演文凭(副)
Colburn Conservatory of Music科尔本音乐学院United States of America6Music Performance Diploma (Graduate)音乐表演文凭(研究生)
Colburn Conservatory of Music科尔本音乐学院United States of America6Music Professional Studies Certificate (Graduate)音乐专业学习证书(研究生)
Colburn Conservatory of Music科尔本音乐学院United States of America6.5Master of Music (Graduate)音乐硕士(研究生)
Colburn Conservatory of Music科尔本音乐学院United States of America6Music Bachelor of Music (Undergradudate)音乐学士(本科)
Art Institute of California, Hollywood (The)加州好莱坞艺术学院(The)United States of America6Associate二年制的学位课程
Art Institute of California, Hollywood (The)加州好莱坞艺术学院(The)United States of America-Graduate研究生
Art Institute of California, Hollywood (The)加州好莱坞艺术学院(The)United States of America-Undergraduate本科
Southwestern Law School西南法学院United States of America6.5Law Schools法学院
Angeles College洛杉矶的大学United States of America5.5Graduate研究生
Angeles College洛杉矶的大学United States of America5.5Undergraduate本科
Los Angeles Southwest College洛杉矶西南学院United States of America5Associate Admissions联合招生
Gnomon School of Visual EffectsGnomon视觉效果学院United States of America6Other其他
International American University国际美国大学United States of America6Associate Admissions联合招生
American Film Institute美国电影学会United States of America7Graduate研究生
International American University国际美国大学United States of America6.5Postgraduate Admissions研究生招生
American Film Institute美国电影学会United States of America7Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
International American University国际美国大学United States of America6Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
University of California, Los Angeles加州大学洛杉矶分校United States of America7Anderson School of Management安德森管理学院
University of California, Los Angeles加州大学洛杉矶分校United States of America7School of Theater, Film and Television戏剧电影电视学院
University of California, Los Angeles加州大学洛杉矶分校United States of America7Graduate Division研究生部
University of California, Los Angeles加州大学洛杉矶分校United States of America7.5School of Law法学院
University of California, Los Angeles加州大学洛杉矶分校United States of America7Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
Mount St. Mary's University圣玛丽山大学United States of America6.5Graduate研究生
Mount St. Mary's University圣玛丽山大学United States of America6Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising时装设计与销售学院United States of America6Associate二年制的学位课程
Occidental College西方学院United States of America7Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
Los Angeles Trade Technical College洛杉矶贸易技术学院United States of America5Associate二年制的学位课程
Los Angeles Trade Technical College洛杉矶贸易技术学院United States of America5Other其他
Southern California Institute of Architecture南加州建筑学院United States of America6.5Graduate Admissions研究生招生
Southern California Institute of Architecture南加州建筑学院United States of America6.5Undergraduate Admissions本科招生
American InterContinental University, Los Angeles美国洲际大学,洛杉矶United States of America6Associate二年制的学位课程
AMDA College of the Performing Arts, Los Angeles洛杉矶AMDA表演艺术学院United States of America6.5Undergraduate本科