首页 > 经验 > 2024年8月24日雅思纸笔考试写作机经及答案


彭静 2024-08-26 10:05:03





小作文TASK 1:条形图

The bar graph illustrates the number of trips made by children in a particular country in 1990 and 2010 using different modes of transport.




大作文TASK 2:政府医疗政策

Some people say governments should give health care the first top priority, while some others believe there are more important priorities to spend the taxpayers' money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.






In today's globalized and interconnected world , the issue of prioritizing government spending is a contentious one . While some argue that governments should prioritize healthcare , others believe that there are more pressing needs that require taxpayer funds . This essay will discuss both views and argue that providing adequate healthcare should be given top priority .


On one hand , those who argue against giving healthcare first priority often highlight the need to address other pressing issues . For instance , they contend that investing in infrastructure projects , such as roads , bridges , and public transportation , is crucial for development and economic growth . They argue that improving transportation systems not only facilitates the movement of goods and services but also enhances employment opportunities and attracts foreign direct investment . Similarly , proponents of education may argue that investing heavily in education will lead to a more educated and skilled workforce , which will subsequently drive economic progress and innovation .


On the other hand , proponents of prioritizing healthcare emphasize the fundamental importance of well-being . Good health is the foundation upon which individuals can lead fulfilling lives and contribute meaningfully to society . A well-functioning healthcare system provides everyone with access to quality healthcare services , regardless of their socioeconomic status . Furthermore , prioritizing healthcare helps prevent the spread of diseases , reduces infant and maternal mortality rates , and leads to overall increased life expectancy . Additionally , robust healthcare systems are essential during times of crises , such as pandemics or natural disasters , as they can effectively respond to emergencies and save lives .


In conclusion , while there are valid arguments for investing taxpayer money in other sectors , such as infrastructure and education , it is essential for governments to give healthcare first priority . Adequate healthcare ensures the well-being and productivity of individuals , promotes social progress , and safeguards societies during emergencies . Therefore , governments should allocate sufficient funds to improve and maintain their healthcare systems to address the needs of their populations effectively . As the saying goes , " Health is wealth ," and it is only by securing the health of its citizens that a government can truly ensure the prosperity of its nation .



prioritize sth. 优先考虑某事

pressing needs 紧迫的需求

give sth. top/first priority 把某事放在首位 = prioritize sth.

investing in sth. 投资于某事

infrastructure project 基础设施项目

attract foreign direct investment 吸引外商直接投资

drive economic progress and innovation 推动经济发展和创新

lead a fulfilling life 过上充实的生活

well-functioning 完善的,运转良好的

socioeconomic status 社会经济地位

infant and maternal mortality rates 婴儿和产妇死亡率

life expectancy 平均寿命,预期寿命

robust (系统或组织)稳固的,健全的

safeguard v. 保护,保障

the prosperity of its nation 国家的繁荣