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刘燕 2024-09-04 14:19:22





1. Some people believe that living in big cities is becoming more difficult. Others believe that it is getting easier. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(一些人认为生活在大城市变得越来越困难。其他人则认为这变得越来越容易。讨论两种观点并给出你自己的观点。)

It is true that there are good arguments on both sides of the question of living in big cities. While I acknowledge the drawbacks, I agree with those who consider that life is becoming easier, even in a large metropolis.

On the one hand, there are powerful reasons to argue that some aspects of city life are making life more difficult for those who live there. Firstly, the population density is high and many residents use their cars to commute to work, to take children to school or simply to get around. More cars mean an increase in exhaust fumes, a deterioration in air quality and damaging effects on public health, especially for those with respiratory problems. Secondly, the cost of living is usually much higher in big cities compared with rural areas. The cost of living is constantly rising, as rents, house prices and public transport fares all increase regularly. Those on low incomes and students sometimes suffer from genuine hardship and are barely able to make ends meet.

On the other hand, I agree with those who argue that life in the cities is becoming easier. People often migrate to urban areas because there are greater job opportunities and career prospects. For example, recent graduates who may have attended a university in a big city are unlikely to find work suited to their qualifications in the countryside, whereas the big companies and the big money are to be found in the cities. Another key factor to consider is the wealth of leisure and culture on offer in large urban areas. The cinema, music concerts and sports centres all attract customers, especially young people. It was once written: if you are tired of London, you are tired of life! Big cities simply offer so much to do!

In conclusion, I believe that life in big cities, despite the problems, is getting easier and pleasanter.

2. In many countries, people now wear Western clothes (suits, jeans) rather than traditional clothing. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?(在许多国家,人们现在穿西式服装(西装、牛仔裤)而不是传统服装。为什么?这是一个积极的还是消极的发展?)

It is true that throughout the world, Western styles of clothing are preferred to traditional dress. There are some important factors which account for this trend, and I consider it to be a largely positive development.

There are two principal reasons for the growing popularity of Western clothes worldwide. Firstly, Western fashions are suited to modern working life. Denim overalls are practical and serviceable for those who work with machines, while businessmen and retail staff are expected by their employers to wear smart suits or uniforms based on Western designs. Secondly, the influence of the media – particularly Hollywood films – is responsible for the tendency of youngsters to associate Western clothes fashions with a life of glamour and success. These images are now universally popularised and the names of brands such as Gucci, Nike and Versace are known almost everywhere.

I consider that this trend has largely positive consequences. Jeans and T- shirts, and even baseball caps, are worn by people of all ages everywhere. Such Western clothes are versatile, and may be worn for many work and leisure activities. They are usually hard-wearing, although this depends on the quality and price. Another positive aspect is that, because Western styles are now mass-produced by the international clothing industry, they are therefore affordable, with the added advantage of offering a wide choice of designs and colours. It is regrettable that traditional costumes, such as the Ao Dai in Vietnam, are declining in popularity, since they are part of the cultural heritage of a country. However, in the modern world, this is an inevitable result of globalisation.

In conclusion, the widespread adoption of Western styles of clothes is a result of our modern way of life. As they are practical and affordable, this trend is largely positive.

3. The gap between the rich and the poor is increasingly wide, as rich people become richer and poor people grow poorer. What problems could this situation cause? What are the solutions to address those problems?(贫富差距越来越大,富人越来越富,穷人越来越穷。这种情况会导致什么问题?解决这些问题的方法是什么?)

It is true that the gap between the rich and poor is growing wider in many regions of the world. While the problems that result are complex, fundamental solutions based on expanding education should be adopted to tackle this problem.

Increasing levels of poverty and rising wealth inequalities impact on the economic growth of a country and the security of its citizens. In economic terms, the existence of a large mass of unemployed or low-paid workers directly affects domestic businesses, such as local shops and factories. As nobody has money to buy their products, they are themselves forced to close, creating further unemployment. In terms of public security, without the means of obtaining money through work, the poor may turn to crimes such as drug trafficking, prostitution, robbery and violent attacks on others. Youth unemployment has, in particular, been linked with rising crime rates.

Governments must, therefore, expand educational opportunities to benefit all their citizens, in order to reduce the gap between rich and poor. The provision of a better standard of schooling in slum areas of cities and in poor rural regions would enable children to reach a higher level of educational attainment. Grants and scholarships could be used to help students to remain in education for longer and gain qualifications. In particular, technical education could be expanded, helping poorer children to learn trades. In construction, engineering, and agriculture, a highly-educated workforce will be needed in the future, and skilled workers will be able to command high salaries and enjoy a decent standard of living. As work opportunities improve, crime rates will fall.

Thus, dealing with the problem at its roots, by expanding educational opportunities, the authorities would be able to reduce the gap between the wealthy and poor sectors of society.



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