首页 > 经验 > 2024年10月雅思写作预测题:大作文预测重点及范文


刘燕 2024-10-08 15:45:17





1. It is suggested that everyone wants to have a car, a television and a fridge. Do the disadvantages of this development for society outweigh the advantages?(据说每个人都想拥有一辆汽车、一台电视和一台冰箱。这种发展对社会的弊大于利吗?)

It is true that cars, TVs and fridges are today among the most popular consumer goods that people consider as essential to enjoy a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle. While there are drawbacks of this trend, I would argue that the advantages more than compensate for any disadvantages.

On the one hand, the health and environmental issues which are associated with the mass ownership of such products should not be underestimated. Cars discourage people from taking exercise such as walking or cycling short distances, and they produce polluting exhaust emissions which contribute to the greenhouse effect. Too much time spent in front of the TV results in unhealthy, sedentary habits, turning viewers into 'couch potatoes'. Even the fridge prompts unhealthy eating, and youngsters in particular may become accustomed to opening the fridge to snack on some fattening treats. Of course, when all these products reach the end of their useful life, the problem of how to dispose of them becomes a serious environmental issue.

On the other hand, I support the view of those who believe that the benefits of these consumer products outweigh the disadvantages. Cars enable people to have freedom of movement to visit people and places. TV programmes are not all mindless entertainment, and discerning viewers will choose channels like Discovery to broaden their knowledge and will watch news and discussion programmes on serious contemporary issues. Finally, the convenience of being able to store food in the fridge for long periods is obvious – food waste is reduced and visits to the supermarket can be made on a weekly or monthly basis, saving time and effort.

In conclusion, I consider that the advantages of these products outweigh the drawbacks, provided that we use them sensibly.

2. People in the community can buy cheaper products nowadays. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?(现在社区里的人可以买到更便宜的产品。这一现象的利大于弊吗?)

It is true that these days people are able to buy many low-priced products. While I accept that this has both benefits and drawbacks, I would argue that there are more disadvantages than advantages.

On the one hand, there are important benefits for the consumer when products are available at a lower price. Firstly, people have the chance to buy more goods when prices are lower on the shelves. Thus, for example, more people can afford to own a smart TV, a laptop or to install air-conditioning in their homes, and therefore enjoy a better standard of living. Secondly, the national economy will be boosted, as production must increase in order to meet the rising demand for such commodities. More jobs will be created as companies expand their sales of consumer goods, reducing the unemployment figures and enabling more people to share in the increasing prosperity.

On the other hand, I believe that there are serious drawbacks, which outweigh these benefits. The principal reason for this view is that cheaper products are almost invariably associated with poor quality. For example, when cheap imports from China first entered the American and European markets, consumers quickly realised that items such as electronic goods either did not work or quickly broke down and the materials themselves were not durable. Another factor is the adverse impact on the environment when there is unregulated expansion of production to provide cheap goods. This is obvious in all sectors of the economy, but most notably in agriculture, where cheap food has been produced at the cost of destroying forests, polluting rivers and damaging the quality of the soil.

In conclusion, as cheaper products are often of low quality and are produced in unsustainable ways, the disadvantages of low-priced goods outweigh the advantages.

3. Some people think that it is good for a country's culture to import foreign movies and TV programmes. Others think that it is better to produce these locally. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(有些人认为引进外国电影和电视节目对一个国家的文化有好处。另一些人则认为最好在当地制作。讨论双方观点并给出你的观点。)

It is true that some people favour importing movies and TV shows from overseas, rather than attempting to produce these within their own country. While many people suppose consider that such imports make a valuable contribution to national culture, I would argue that it is necessary to promote a local entertainment industry.

On the one hand, local movies and TV programmes benefit national culture in two important ways. From an educational perspective, the young can learn about their country's past, stimulating their interest and national pride. For instance, instead of studying history from boring textbooks, students nowadays are able to learn about their nation's history by watching locally-made documentaries or movies. From an entertainment perspective, local TV shows and films are relevant to everyday experiences and a familiar way of life. Even when copyright ideas from other countries are used, local producers can adapt these to make shows such as a Vietnamese version of The Voice or The Next Top Model.

On the other hand, I believe that international movies and TV programmes can also benefit the cultural life of a country. Firstly, people are able to understand something of the life and culture of other countries, which they can simply enjoy as entertainment or adventure. The American film Titanic for example, is not only a disaster movie, but also gives an idea about the history of emigration from Europe to the USA. Secondly, foreign movies and TV shows help many people to improve their language skills, combining learning and enjoyment. Many Vietnamese students, for example, have benefited from watching TV series such as Friends.

In conclusion, although international movies and TV programmes contribute to the diversity of a country's culture, it seems to me that local film and TV industries should also be supported owing to their roles as education and entertainment providers.

4. More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending a short time in communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work such as teaching or building houses. Why?Who benefits more from this, the community or these young people?(越来越多来自富裕国家的年轻人在较贫穷国家的社区做短期的无偿工作,如教书或建房。为什么?谁会从中受益更多,是社区还是这些年轻人?)

It is true that an increasing number of young volunteers are now doing unpaid work to help communities in developing countries. Some reasons can be identified, and I would argue that both the youngsters and the communities benefit.

There are at least two important reasons why I think some youngsters from developed countries spend some time doing voluntary work in communities in poor countries. Firstly, they gain invaluable experience and develop practical skills which they can then add to their CVs. This experience will certainly help them when job-hunting later in their career. Secondly, the motivation of idealistic young people should not be underestimated. The desire to help others less fortunate than themselves comes from a feeling of wanting to give without reward and share hardships, experiencing what it is like to live in a poor community.

Both the host community and the young people benefit. The community benefits because these young people bring their enthusiasm and knowledge, as well as their physical endeavour. Hence, the youngsters may be able to teach literacy and numeracy skills, or they may be strong and energetic to help with building houses for those who have inadequate shelter. The young people benefit through the life experience which they gain, living and working alongside those from a different culture. Without exagerration, it is a life-changing challenge and the youngsters will return to their homes with a much more mature and broader outlook on life.

In conclusion, there are some clear reasons for this volunteering trend and I believe that everyone benefits – it can be truly be said to be a win-win situation.

5. People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to live in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(当人们开始在一个新的国家生活时,应该遵循习俗和传统。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?)

Many people argue that foreigners should adapt to the local customs and traditions when they come to reside in a new country. I completely agree with this view.

Newcomers will certainly face difficulties if they do not conform to the norms of social behaviour in the host country. Firstly, it will become almost impossible for them to blend into their new environment. For example, an entrepreneur who comes to live in a new country and starts up a business must be aware of the business practices of that country. There are bound to be many pitfalls, not only legal ones but also simply in terms of winning and keeping customers. Secondly, recent immigrants might fall foul of the law if they do not respect the behaviour and customs of locals. In Singapore, for instance, residents will consider newcomers dirty and ill-mannered if they litter the street or spit gum in public places.

There are also many benefits for foreigners when they do adopt the customs and traditions of their new country of residence. One advantage is that local people will be more welcoming when they feel that the newcomers are showing respect for the local way of life. The establishment of closer links with the host community might lead to greater integration and mutual understanding. Another benefit is the richness of the experience which newcomers will gain from enjoying aspects of local customs and traditions, enabling them to participate in community life and avoid social isolation. During festivals and national holidays, especially, they will feel like they 'belong' in their new country.

In conclusion, I would argue that it is essential for new residents to follow the traditions and habits of locals in the host community in order to integrate fully into society.



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