首页 > 经验 > 2024年7月27日雅思纸笔考试听力机经及答案


彭静 2024-07-29 09:41:45



Part 1:New places to study with children


1.A family ticket is $65

2.The fastest bus takes about 40 minutes.

3.You can hold some animals and have a photo for a small fee.

4.Dan Rosie is performing at the event, adding excitement and entertainment to the occasion.

5.Performances run from Tuesday to Saturday

6.There is a discount on tickets for Monday night's preview.

7.Go to the city centre museum to see a special exhibition.

8.Do original - we'll need to take a small 8 box

9.Go snorkelling at Salty Lake - it's on the ocean side of the island.

10.He is not allowed to camp on the island

Part 2:电台节目介绍


11-15 matching

Choirs are discussing their achievement and characteristics

11 made some special music-C

12 organized some social events.-A

13 won some musical prize -B

14 recorded a CD recently -C

15 did some charity-A help disable persons

16-20 Choose a correct letter A,B or C

16 why they built the dinging club? Because A

A(have a rest/break after the work) it can help them escape from stress in work

B improve their singing ability

C make a business contract

17 how many present members are in the choir? C

A 9 B 12 C19

18 when did the choir make music

A Before work B at lunch time C after work

19 what are they making a living? Company to encourage

A by selling performance clothes

B by functioning some commercial music

C by paying for professional singing classes

20 what about the Effect of choir club:

A it can improve relationship among employees co-workers

B for business C for a committed

Part 3:21世纪新发明讨论


21-26 匹配


22.thin film solar panel——F

23.sport shoes——C

24.Win turbine——A

25.hi-tech fruit package——D

26.eletric sport car——B

27-30 选择





Part 4:心理实验研究


31. In the experiment, participants were shov vn lines on two cards and asked to identify the line of the same length

32.Many fake attendants intentionally gave incorrect answers to influence the real participants.

33 The study revealed that even intelligent people will follow others, demonstrating the power of social influence

34. Participants often expressed their fear of being laughed at ifthey gave a different answer.

35. Researchers created a website for an experiment to test familiarity with songs, gathering data online

36 People have good reasons for communicating with others, often seeking validation and avoiding isolation.

37. One experiment was conducted in a restaurant to observe natural social behaviors in a familiar setting.

38 Another experiment involved observing the movement of lightsto study perception and group dynamics.

39. In a different study, participants stayed in a room filled with smoke to observe their reactions and decision-making processes.

40. Some researchers think this method is not  unbiased because participants may not believe they are in an actual emergency, affecting their behavior.