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剑雅17 Test 1 Passage2阅读20–22题答案解析

莫碧璇 2024-08-15 17:24:41

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剑雅17 Test 1 Passage2阅读18–22题答案解析

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Test 1 Passage2

Questions 18–22

Complete the summary below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 18–22 on your answer sheet.

Roman amphitheatres

The Roman stadiums of Europe have proved very versatile. The amphitheatre of

Arles, for example, was converted first into a 18                                        , then into

a residential area and finally into an arena where spectators could watch

19                                        . Meanwhile, the arena in Verona, one of the oldest

Roman amphitheatres, is famous today as a venue where 20                                       

is performed. The site of Lucca’s amphitheatre has also been used for many

purposes over the centuries, including the storage of 21                                        . It

is now a market square with 22                                        and homes incorporated into

the remains of the Roman amphitheatre.

本文是Test 1 Passage2阅读20–22题答案解析,点击查看Test 1 Passage2阅读18–19题答案解析


20、定位词Verona today原文Section B第二段最后一 句:It has endured the centuries and is currently considered one of the world's prime sites for opera,thanks to its outstanding acoustics.参考译文:它经历了几个世 纪,由于其卓越的音响效果,目前被认为是世界上歌剧的主要场所之一。题干:Meanwhile,the arena in Verona,one of the oldest Roman amphitheatres,  is famous today as a  venue where 20 is performed.译文:与此同时,维罗纳的竞技场是最古 老的罗马圆形剧场之 一,今天作为表演20的场所而闻名。本题为动词考点,预判空格答案为名词。题干中的one of the  oldest对应原文中的  endured the centuries; famous对应中的  prime ;today对应currently.答案是opera歌 剧。

21、定位词Lucca's;storage,原文是Section C第二句:The  site evolved in a similar way to Arles and was  progressively filled with buildings from the Middle Ages until the  19th century,variously used as houses,a salt depot and a prison.参考 译文:该遗址的演变方式 与阿尔勒相似,从中世纪到19世纪,这里逐渐充满了建筑,各种各样的建筑被用作房屋、盐场和监狱。The site of Lucca's amphitheatre has also been used for many purposes over the centuries,  including the storage of21 .译文:几个世纪以来,卢卡圆形剧场的场地也被用于多种用途,包括储存21 题 干 中 的 m a n y purposes对应原文中 的variously used; storage对应depot。答案是salt盐。

22、定位词market square homes。Section C最后一句:Today,the ruins of the amphitheatre remain embedded in the various shops and residences surrounding the public square.参考译文:今天圆形剧场的废墟仍然保存在公共广场周围的各种商店和住宅中。It is now a market square with 22 and homes incorporated  into the remains of the Roman amphitheatre. 译文:它现在是一个市场广场,有22和房屋并入了罗马圆形剧场的遗迹。本题为并列考点;题干中的market square 对应原文中的public square;incorporated into对应embeddedin ; homes对应residences.答案是shops商品。