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刘燕 2024-08-05 17:21:52

剑桥雅思19收集了雅思考试的真题,共包括4套题目。下文羊驼小编整理了剑雅19考试题Test 1的阅读题中的判断1-2题的题目解析,供考生们在备考雅思阅读时复习参考。


How tennis rackets have changed

  (第1段)In 2016.the British professional tennis player Andy Murray was ranked as the world's number one.It was an incredible achievement by any standard-made even more remarkable by the fact that he did this during a period considered to be one of the strongest in the sport's history.competing against the likes of Rafael Nadal,Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic,to name just a few.Yet five years previously,he had been regarded as a talented outsider who entered but never won the major toumaments.

  (第2段)Of the changes that account for this transformation,one was visible and widely publicised:in 2011.Murray invited former number one player Ivan Lendl onto his coaching team-a valuable addition that had a visible impact on the player's playing style.Another change was so subtle as to pass more or less unnoticed.Like many players,Murray has long preferred a racket that consists of two types of string: one for the mains (verticals)and another for the crosses (horizontals).While he continued to use natural string in the croses,in 2012 he switched to a synthetic string for the mains.A small change.perhaps,but its importance should not be underestimated.


1.People had expected Andy Murray to become the world's top tennis player for at least five years before 2016.

2.The change that Andy Murray made to his rackets attracted a lot of attention.


第 1 题:

出题位置:第一段 Yet five years previously, he had been regarded as a talented outsider who entered but never won the major tournaments. 题干:People had expected Andy Murray to become the world’s top tennis player for at least five years before 2016. 

翻译:人们从 2016 年起的五年前就期望着 Andy Murray 成为世界顶尖网球运动员。

解析:用 Andy Murray 这个名字定位到开头第一段。最后一句说:五年前,人们认为 Andy Murray 是一位有天赋的球员,但并不看好他。原文中 outsider 的含义是“(比赛中)不被看好的人”,属于熟词僻义,与题干矛盾。


第 2 题:

出题位置:第二段 Another change was so subtle as to pass more or less unnoticed. 题干:The change that Andy Murray made to his rackets attracted a lot of attention. 翻译:Andy Murray 对球拍的调整吸引了大量关注。

解析:根据判断题顺序出题原则,顺着第一题,第一段中没有相关内容,所以看第二段。第二段中有一个 unnoticed 与 attention 可视为一对同义替换。而该句说另一个变化是如此细微,以至于大多数人没有注意到。现在就比较倾向于答案是False 了,继续往后看最后一句,A small change,perhaps, but its importance should not be underestimated. 对于球拍的细小调整不应该被低估。由此可以确定前文讲到的 another change 就是指球拍的改变,所以该运动员的球拍调整并未引起注意,与题干矛盾。



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