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剑雅17 Test 1 Passage2阅读18–19题答案解析

莫碧璇 2024-08-15 17:04:31

剑桥雅思17共收集了雅思真题4套,以下是羊驼小编整理了Test 1 Passage2雅思阅读题答案及解析,以下是阅读Passage2第18–19题的题目答案及雅思真题解析,供小伙伴们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑桥雅思17听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总

剑雅17 Test 1 Passage2阅读18–22题答案解析

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Test 1 Passage2

Questions 18–22

Complete the summary below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 18–22 on your answer sheet.

Roman amphitheatres

The Roman stadiums of Europe have proved very versatile. The amphitheatre of

Arles, for example, was converted first into a 18                                        , then into

a residential area and finally into an arena where spectators could watch

19                                        . Meanwhile, the arena in Verona, one of the oldest

Roman amphitheatres, is famous today as a venue where 20                                       

is performed. The site of Lucca’s amphitheatre has also been used for many

purposes over the centuries, including the storage of 21                                        . It

is now a market square with 22                                        and homes incorporated into

the remains of the Roman amphitheatre.

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18、定位词The amphithe atre of Arles;first.原文出题句Section B第二句:Built by the Romans in 90  AD,it  became  a  fortress with four towers after the fifth century,and was then transformed into a village containing more than 200houses.参考译文:由罗马人于年建造公元90 年,五世纪后成为一座有 四座塔楼的要塞,之后改造成一个拥有200多间房屋的村庄。题干:The amphitheatre of Arles,for example, was converted first into a 18译文:例如,阿尔勒的圆形剧场首先被改造成18 。本题为动词考点,预判空格答案为名词单数。题干中的 converted对应原文中的became.答案是fortress城堡。

19、定位词residenti al area;arena;spectator.原文Section B第三句:With  the growing interest in conservation during the 19th century,it was converted back into an  arena for the staging of bullfights,thereby returning the structure to its original use as a venue for public spectacles.参考译文:19世纪,随着人们对保护的兴趣日益浓厚,它被重新改建为一个竞技场,用于举办斗牛,从而使建筑物恢复其作为公共场所的最初用途。题干:then into a residential area and finally into an arena where spectators could watch 19.译文:然后进入一个居民区,最后进入一个观众可以观看19的竞技场。预判空格答案为名词,题干中的spectators对应原文中的public spectacles.答案是bullfights斗牛。


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