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剑雅17 Test1听力31–36题答案解析及考试题目

莫碧璇 2024-08-14 13:58:50

剑桥雅思17共收集了雅思真题4套,以下是羊驼小编整理了第一套雅思听力真题答案及解析Test 1 Listening,以下是听力PART 3第31–36题的题目、答案及雅思真题解析,供小伙伴们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑桥雅思17听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总

剑雅17 Test1听力31–36题答案解析及考试题目

Test 1 Listening

PART 4        Questions 31–36

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Labyrinths compared with mazes

• Mazes are a type of 31                             

32                              is needed to navigate through a maze − the word ‘maze’ is derived from a word meaning a feeling of


• Labyrinths represent a journey through life

−  they have frequently been used in 34                              and prayer

Early examples of the labyrinth spiral

• Ancient carvings on 35                               have been found across many cultures

• The Pima, a Native American tribe, wove the symbol on baskets

• Ancient Greeks used the symbol on 36                              


31、用maze做定位,预判答案填名词,注意听种类,对应原文A maze is quite different as it is a kind of puzzle with an intricate network of paths.A kind of 对应题 干中的 a  type  of,答案为puzzle.

32、预判答案为可数名词单数,出现被动,可能出现主被动替换。对应原文Entering a maze usually involves getting lost a few times before using logic to work out the pattern and find your way to the centre and then out again.这里的work out the pattern and find your way 对应题干的 navigate,  答案为logic.

33、预判答案为名词,is derived from 大概会被替换,听含义。对应原文:The  word‘maze'is believed to  come  from  a  Scandinavian  word  for  a  state  of confusion.the word ”maze”原文原词出现,come  from对应is   derived   from,a   state   of对应 a feeling   of,答案填confusion.

34、预判答案填名词,且跟and  prayer并列,题干出现被动,可能出现主被动替换。对应原文:Labyrinths are thought to encourage a feeling of calm and have been used as a meditation and prayer tool in many cultures over many centuries.have been used原文出现,跟prayer 并列的是meditation,  答案为meditation.

35、定位labyrinth   spiral,ancient    carvings,预判答案填n,  题干出现被动,可能出现被动。对应原文 The earliest examples of the labyrinth spiral pattern have been found carved into stone.The earliest examples 对应early      examples,carved对应题 干中的carving, 答案为stone.

36、定位Ancient   Greeks,symbol,对应原文: In Ancient Greece,the labyrinth spiral was used on coins around four thousand years ago,答案为coins.