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剑雅18听力Test 4第31-35题答案解析

刘燕 2024-09-02 16:06:45

剑桥雅思18一共收集了雅思真题4套,下文羊驼小编整理了剑雅18第四套听力真题答案及解析Test 4 Listening,以下是听力第四部分Part 4第31-35的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17-19听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑雅17-19听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总,为助力各位烤鸭们备考雅思,羊驼教育雅思APP推出剑桥雅思真题及答案解析视频,可在羊驼雅思APP课程一栏获取剑桥雅思系列的视频信息。

剑雅18听力Part 4真题答案解析

Test 4 Listening

PART  4    Questions 31-35

Complete the notes below.

Write  ONE  WORD  ONLYfor  each  answer.

Victor      Hugo


His novel,Les Misérables

It has been adapted for theatre and cinema.

● We know more about its overall 31….      ………than about its author.

His early career

 In Paris,his career was successful and he led the Romantic movement.

。  He spoke publicly about social issues,such as 32.    ……and education.

。  Napoleon Il disliked his views and exiled him.


His exile from France 。Victor Hugo had to live elsewhere in 33 ..…… 。  He used his income from the sale of some 34...he had written tobuy a house on Guernsey. 

His house on Guernsey

● Victor Hugo lived in this house until the end of the Empire in France.

。The ground floor contains portraits,35………………  …and tapestries that he valued

 He bought cheap 36..       …made of wood and turned this into beautiful

wall carvings.

。  The first floor consists of furnished areas with wallpaper and 37 ……    ……

that have a Chinese design.

。  The library still contains many of his favourite books.

 He wrote in a room at the top of the house that had a view of the

38.  ……………………

。  He entertained other writers as well as poor 39…    …………in his house.

·Victor Hugo's 40 …………   …gave ownership of the house to the city of Paris

in  1927.




31. 本题结合空前的its overall以及字数要求,预测答案词性为名词。首先结合小标题His novel以及Les Misérables大致定位。接下来原文中的musical和film分别为题干中theatre和cinema的同义替换。下一句中general idea of对应overall,之后出现的名词为plot,即本题答案,意为“故事情节”,对应原文:So, some of us, I’m sure, have a pretty general idea of the plot, but we know much less about the author. 另外,在转折词but出现后,相关内容为much less about the author(关于作者的更少),也就是说,与作者相比,我们关于plot的了解更多,这里对应题干中的more ... than... 因此答案为plot.

32. 本题结合空前的such as以及空后并列的education,预测答案词性为名词。本题对应的小标题His early career以及空格前一行的Paris和Romantic movement,在原文中都原词重现,大致定位。接下来,对应原文:... he also gave many speeches about issues like the level of poverty in his society. 原文中的speeches对应题干的spoke publicly,issues原词重现,之后出现的举例相关表述like对应题干中的such as。紧跟的信息为level of poverty,结合字数要求和上下文,poverty即本题答案,意为“贫穷,贫困”。在原文下一句中,与答案并列的education也原词重现。

33. 本题结合空前的live elsewhere和in,预测答案为地区、地点相关单词。本题对应的小标题中,France和exile在原文中原词重现,大致定位。接下来,对应原文:So Victor Hugo was forced to reside in other parts of Europe. 原文中的forced to对应题干中的had to,原文中的other parts替换题干中的elsewhere。紧跟着出现的地区、地点相关单词为Europe,即本题答案,意为“欧洲”。

34. 本题关键词出现顺序较为灵活,需要注意题干中空格前后内容的乱序。结合题干中的some,预测答案词性为名词。此处要注意,some后不一定是复数名词。如果对维克多·雨果相关的信息比较了解,此处还可以结合空后的he had written进一步缩小预测范围。空后的名称Guernsey在原文中提前于本题其他关键词出现,house在原文中被home替换,大致定位在本题。对应原文:This was a property that he bought using the money he’d made in France from the publication of a collection of his poetry. 题干中的income在原文中被替换为the money he’d made,其中’d指had。空前的from在原文中也原词重现,之后紧跟publication of a collection of his poetry,其中包含三个名词。结合空后的he had written,本题答案应该为poetry,意为“诗歌”,是一个不可数名词。

35. 本题需要注意portraits、空格和tapestries形成的并列结构,结合并列结构,预测答案词性为名词;同时需要注意部分关键词与答案的乱序,当部分关键词帮助定位在本行时,就需要关注句中的名词。对应原文:... and portraits of its members still hang in rooms on the ground floor, along with drawings that he did during his travels that he felt were important to him. In other ground-floor rooms, there are huge tapestries that he would have designed and loved. 原文中portraits原词重现,定位在本行,接下来出现ground floor,后面紧跟along with drawings,along with意思为“除……以外(还)”,因此名词drawings为本题答案。tapestries在原文下一句中原词重现,题干句末的valued在原文中被替换为loved.


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