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剑雅17阅读27-29题Test2 Passage3答案解析

刘燕 2024-08-16 17:37:45

剑雅17一共收集了雅思真题4套,下文羊驼小编整理了剑雅17第二套阅读真题Passage 3答案及解析Test 2 Reading,以下是阅读部分第三篇文章Passage 3第27-29题的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑雅17听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总,为助力各位烤鸭们备考雅思,羊驼教育雅思APP推出剑桥雅思真题及答案解析视频,可在羊驼雅思APP课程一栏获取剑桥雅思系列的视频信息。

剑雅17阅读真题Test2 Passage3答案解析

Test 2 Reading

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Passage  2   Questions 27-29

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 27–29 on your answer sheet.

27    The purpose of the first paragraph is to 

    A     defend particular ideas.

    B     compare certain beliefs.

    C     disprove a widely held view.

    D     outline a common assumption.

28   What are the writers doing in the second paragraph?

    A     criticising an opinion

    B     justifying a standpoint    

    C     explaining an approach  

    D     supporting an argument

29    In the third paragraph, what do the writers suggest about Darwin and Einstein?

    A     They represent an exception to a general rule.    

    B     Their way of working has been misunderstood.    

    C     They are an ideal which others should aspire to.  

    D     Their achievements deserve greater recognition.

剑雅17阅读真题Test2 Passage3题目解析


27、定位词The first paragraph,原文出题句:原文第一 段Scientific discovery is popularly believed to result from the sheer  genius of such intellectual stars as naturalist Charles Darwin  and  theoretical physicist Albert Einstein.Our view of such unique contributions to  science often disregards the person's prior experience and the efforts of their lesser-known predecessors Conventional wisdom also places great weight on insight  in  promoting breakthrough  scientific achievements,as if ideas spontaneously pop into someone's head一fully formed and functional.参考译文:人们普遍认为,科学发现是博物学家Charles Darwin和理论物理学家 Albert Einstein等智力明星的纯粹天才的结果。我们对这种独特的科学贡献的看法往往忽略了这个人之前的经验和他们鲜为人知的前辈的努力。传统智慧在促进突破性科学成就方面也非常重视洞察力,就像想法自发地蹦到某人的脑袋里一样--完全形成并发挥作用。题干解析:The purpose of the first paragraph is to A defend particular ideas.B compare certain beliefs.C disprove a widely held view.D outline a common assumption.译文:第一段的目的是A为特定想法辩护。B比较某些信念。C驳斥一种广泛持有的观点。D概述一个常见假设。从第一段首句Scientific discovery is popularly believed to....到尾句Conventional wisdom also places great weight on.....说明在 总结\概述常见的一个假设。答案为D

28、定位词the second paragraph,原文出题句:原文第二段There may be some limited truth to this view.However,we believe  that it largely misrepresents the real nature of scientific discovery,as well as that of creativity and innovation in many other realms of human endeavor.参考译文:这一观点的真实性可能有限。然而,我们认为,它在很大程度上歪曲了科学发现的真实性质,以及人类努力的许多其他领域的创造力和创新的真实性质。题干解析:What are the writers doing in the second paragraph?A  criticising an opinion.B  justifying a standpoint.C  explaining an approach.D  supporting an argument.译文:第二段的作者在做什么?A批评意见.B证明立场.C解释方法.D支持论点.通过However,we believe that it largely misrepresents....说明作者持反对观点,是在进行批评。答案为A

29、定位词the  third paragraph  Darwin and Einstein,原文出题句:原文第三段首句Setting aside such greats as Darwin and Einstein  一whose monumental contributions are duly celebrated —we suggest that innovation is more a process of trial and error,where two steps forward may sometimes come with one step back,as well as one or more steps to  the right or left.参考译文:抛开达尔文和爱因斯坦这样的伟人—  —他们的巨大贡献受到了应有的赞扬————我们认为,创新更像是一个反复试验的过程,在这个过程中,前进两步有时可能会倒退一步,也可能是向右或向左走一步或多步。题干解析:In the third paragraph,what do the writers suggest about Darwin and Einstein?A They represent an exception to a general rule.B  Their  way  of working has been misunderstood.C They are an ideal which others should aspire to.D Their achievements deserve greater  recognition.译文:在第三段中,作者对达尔文和爱因斯坦有什么建议?A它们代表了一般规则的例外情况。B他们的工作方式被误解了。C他们是其他人应该向往的理想。D他们的成就值得更多的承认。从句首Setting aside可以看出把两个科学家排除在外了。答案为A


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