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莫碧璇 2024-09-04 14:15:35



24年9月雅思写作预测题及范文完整版请查看24年9月雅思作文题预测 9月雅思写作考什么

作文题目:People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world. What are the reasons for this, and how can people learn more about the natural world?(人们对自然界的重要性了解甚少。这其中的原因是什么?人们怎样才能更多地了解自然世界?)


It is true that most people do not realize how important the natural world is. While there are some reasons to explain this lack of knowledge, there are ways in which people can improve their understanding.


I believe that the major reason why many people do not appreciate the value of the natural world is the disappearance of traditional ways of life. In terms of work, hunting, fishing or agriculture are now the occupation of a small minority of the workforce in most countries. Advances in technology mean that most people now spend a large part of their day in a closed working environment, such as an office, shop or factory, without any contact with nature. From a cultural perspective, traditional festivals related to the natural seasons in agricultural communities have fallen by the wayside. Celebrations of nature, for example at times of spring or harvest, which once provided a link to our roots, continue only in the hands of an ageing population, while younger generations are addicted to the electronic media.


However, people can learn about the natural world in three important ways. Firstly, there are many opportunities to become involved in local volunteer work, carrying out environmentally friendly tasks like planting trees. Secondly, schools should include nature studies and environmental science in the curriculum. Finally, more nature documentaries on TV and the internet would stimulate a revival of interest in the world around us. They are an excellent means of informing the public about life on the planet, and the need to combat the environmental degradation which threatens it.


In conclusion, although there are important reasons why there is little public understanding of the natural world, there are ways in which this lack of knowledge can be overcome.
