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剑雅17 阅读真题Test1 Passage2题目原文

莫碧璇 2024-08-15 15:34:07

剑桥雅思17共收集了雅思真题4套,以下是羊驼小编整理了第一套雅思阅读真题、答案及解析,以下是阅读第2篇文章Test1 Passage2的原文及参考译文,供小伙伴们复习参考。供小伙伴们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑桥雅思17听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总

剑雅17 阅读真题Test1 Passage2题目原文

剑雅17 Test 1 Passage2阅读题解析请查看剑雅17 Test 1 Passage2阅读14–17题答案解析


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14–26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

Stadiums: past, present and future

A、Stadiums are among the oldest forms of urban architecture: vast stadiums where the public   could watch sporting events were at the centre of western city life as far back as the ancient  Greek and Roman Empires, well before the construction of the great medieval cathedrals and the grand 19th- and 20th-century railway stations which dominated urban skylines in later eras.

Today, however, stadiums are regarded with growing scepticism. Construction costs can soar above ?1 billion, and stadiums finished for major events such as the Olympic Games or the   FIFA WorldCup have notably fallen into disuse and disrepair.

But this need not be the case. History shows that stadiums can drive urban development and adapt to the culture of every age. Even today, architects and planners are finding new ways   to adapt the mono-functional sports arenas which became emblematic of modernisation during the 20th century.

B、The amphitheatre* of Arles in southwest France, with a capacity of 25,000 spectators,is perhaps the best example of just how versatile stadiums can be. Built by the Romans in 90 AD, it became a fortress with four towers after the fifth century, and was then transformed into a village containing more than 200 houses. With the growing interest in conservation during the 19th century, it was converted back into an arena for the staging of  bullfights, thereby returning the structure to its original use as a venue for public spectacles.

Another example is the imposing arena of Verona in northern Italy, with space for 30,000 spectators, which was built 60 years before the Arles amphitheatre and 40 years before 

Rome’s famous Colosseum. It has endured the centuries and is currently considered one of the world’s prime sites for opera, thanks to its outstanding acoustics.

C、The area in the centre of the Italian town of Lucca, known as the Piazza dell’Anfiteatro,is yet another impressive example of an amphitheatre becoming absorbed into the fabric of the city. The site evolved in a similar way to Arles and was progressively filled with buildings from the Middle Ages until the 19th century, variously used as houses, a salt depot and a prison. But rather than reverting to an arena, it became a market square, designed by Romanticist architect Lorenzo Nottolini. Today, the ruins of the amphitheatre remain embedded in the various shops and residences surrounding the public square.

D、There are many similarities between modern stadiums and the ancient amphitheatres intended for games. But some of the flexibility was lost at the beginning of the 20th century, as stadiums were developed using new products such as steel and reinforced concrete, and    made use of bright lights for night-time matches.

Many such stadiums are situated in suburban areas, designed for sporting use only and   surrounded by parking lots. These factors mean that they may not be as accessible to the general public, require more energy to run and contribute to urban heat.

E、But many of today’s most innovative architects see scope for the stadium to help improve the city. Among the current strategies, two seem to behaving particular success: the stadium as   an urban hub, and as a power plant.

There’s a growing trend for stadiums to be equipped with public spaces and services that serve a function beyond sport, such as hotels, retail outlets, conference centres, restaurants    and bars, children’s playgrounds and green space. Creating mixed-use developments such as this reinforces compactness and multi-functionality, making more efficient use of land and    helping to regenerate urban spaces.

This opens the space up to families and a wider cross-section of society, instead of catering only to sportspeople and supporters. There have been many examples of this in the UK: the mixed-use facilities at Wembley and Old Trafford have become a blueprint for many other   stadiums in the world.

F、The phenomenon of stadiums as power stations has arisen from the idea that energy problems can be overcome by integrating interconnected buildings by means of a smart grid, which is an electricity supply network that uses digital communications technology to detect and react to local changes in usage, without significant energy losses. Stadiums are ideal for these purposes, because their canopies have a large surface area for fitting photovoltaic panels and rise high enough (more than 40 metres) to make use of micro wind turbines.

Freiburg Mage Solar Stadium in Germany is the first of a new wave of stadiums as power plants, which also includes the Amsterdam Arena and the Kaohsiung Stadium. The latter,inaugurated in 2009, has 8,844 photovoltaic panels producing up to 1.14 GWh of electricity annually. This reduces the annual output of carbon dioxide by 660 tons and supplies up to 80 percent of the surrounding area when the stadium is not in use. This is proof that a stadium can serve its city, and have a decidedly positive impact in terms of reduction of CO2 emissions.

G、Sporting arenas have always been central to the life and culture of cities. In every era, the stadium has acquired new value and uses: from military fortress to residential village, public space to theatre and most recently a field for experimentation in advanced engineering.

The stadium of today now brings together multiple functions, thus helping cities to create a sustainable future.



A、体育场是最古老的城市建筑形式之一:公众可以观看体育赛事的大型体育  场早在古希腊和罗马帝国时期就一直是西方城市生活的中心,远早于中世纪大教 堂和19世纪和20世纪的火车站,这些火车站在后来的时代主导了城市天际线。 然而,如今,体育场馆受到了越来越多的质疑。建筑成本可能飙升至10亿英镑  以上,为奥运会或国际足联世界杯等重大赛事而建成的体育场已明显废弃、年久  失修。

但事实并非如此。历史表明,体育场馆可以推动城市发展,适应各个时代的文化。 即使在今天,建筑师和规划师仍在寻找新的方法来改造已成为20世纪现代化象 征的单一功能体育场馆。

B、法国西南部阿尔勒的圆形剧场可容纳25000名观众,这也许是体育场多功 能性的最佳例证。公元90年由罗马人建造,公元5世纪后变成了4座塔楼的堡 垒,之后又变成了拥有200多所房屋的村庄。19世界,随着人们对保护的兴趣 日益浓厚,它被重新改建为一个竞技场,用于举办斗牛,从而使该结构恢复了其 作为公共表演场所的原始用途。

另一个例子是意大利北部威罗纳雄伟的竞技场,可容纳30000名观众,它比阿尔  勒圆形剧场早60年建成,比著名的罗马斗牛场早40年建成。它经历了几个世纪, 由于其卓越的音响效果,目前被认为是世界上主要的歌剧场所之一。

C、位于意大利卢卡镇中心的地区被称为德兰菲特阿托广场 (PiazzadellAnfiteatro),这是圆形剧场融入城市结构的又一个令人印象深刻的例子。该遗址以类似于阿尔勒的方式发展,从中世纪到19世纪,这里逐渐充满了各种各 样的建筑,用作房屋、盐场、还有一座监狱。但它并没有恢复到竞技场,而是变 成了一个市场广场,由浪漫主义建筑师洛伦佐 ·诺托利尼设计。今天,圆形剧场 的遗迹仍然嵌入在公共广场周围的各种商店和住宅中。

D、现代体育场和用于比赛的古代圆形剧场有许多相似之处。但在20世纪初, 随着体育场馆使用新产品(如钢材和钢筋混凝土)开发,并利用明亮的灯光进行 夜间比赛, 一些灵活性丧失了。

许多这样的体育场位于郊区,仅用于体育运动,周围有停车场。这些因素意味着 它们可能无法为公众所用,需要更多的能源来运行为城市发展赋能。

E、但是,当今许多最具创新精神的建筑师看到了体育场可以帮助改善城市的 空间。在目前的策略中,有两种似乎取得了特别的成功: 一种是将体育场作为城 市中心,另一种是作为发电厂。

越来越多的体育场馆配备公共空间和服务,服务于体育以外的功能,例如酒店、 零售店、会议中心、餐厅和酒吧、儿童游乐场和绿地。创建这样的多用途开发项 目可以增强紧凑性和多功能性,更有效地利用土地,帮助城市空间再生。

这为家庭和更广泛的社会阶层打开了空间,而不仅仅是为运动员和支持者服务。 在英国有很多这样的例子:温布利和老特拉福德的多用途设施已经成为世界上许 多其他体育场的蓝图。

F、体育场作为发电站的现象产生于这样一种想法,即可以通过智能电网整合 互联建筑来解决能源问题,智能电网是一种使用数字通信技术来检测和相应当地 使用变化的的供电网络,不会造成重大能源损失。体育场是实现这些目的的理想 场所,因为它们的顶棚有很大的表面积,可以安装光伏板,并且足够高(超过 40米),可以使用微型风力涡轮机。

德国弗莱堡Mage  太阳能体育场是新一轮作为发电站的体育场中的第一个,其中 还包括阿姆斯特丹体育场和高雄体育场。后者于2009年落成,拥有8844块光伏 板,年发电量高达1.14 GWh 。这将减少660吨的年二氧化碳排放量,并在体育 场不使用时供应高达80%的周边地区。这证明了体育场可以为城市服务,并在减 少二氧化碳排放方面有明显积极的影响。

G、体育场一直是城市生活和文化的中心。在每一个时代,体育场都获得了新 的价值和用途:从军事要塞到住宅村,从公共空间到剧院,最近成为先进工程实 验的领域。今天的体育场集多种功能于一体,从而帮助城市创造可持续的未来。



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