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剑桥雅思19真题解析,阅读Test 2第27-32填空题

彭静 2024-08-07 10:05:26

剑桥雅思19收集了雅思考试真题一共4套试卷(Test 1-Test 4)。羊驼雅思整理了剑雅19阅读试卷第二套题目解析,下面是27-32摘要填空题/表格选择题的详细解析,供烤鸭们复习备考。


剑桥雅思19阅读真题第2套查看剑桥雅思真题19阅读回忆版Test2 Passage 3

剑19反映了最新的雅思考试动向,是雅思备考的宝贵复习资料。为了助力广大雅思考生、使备考事半功倍,羊驼雅思全新推出剑19听阅视频解析,以视频的形式进行逐题精讲,分析更深入、讲解更到位、更易于理解,还可以反复回听,直到完全掌握,一举拿下剑19!相关视频课程在羊驼雅思app课程一栏即可获取。完整的剑雅19听阅解析请查看剑桥雅思19真题解析,听阅考题分析汇总 下方为剑19阅读试卷第二套题目27-32摘要填空题/表格选择题的解析,供大家参考:


定位词:根据 summary 小标题 Maryam Mirzakhani 定位到第一段。

出题位置:She was the only woman to win the Fields Medal - the mathematical equivalent of a Nobel prize. It would be easy to assume that someone as special as Mirzakhani must have been one of those 'gifted' children... 她是唯一一位获得菲尔兹奖的女性,这是数学上的诺贝尔奖。人们很容易认为,像米尔扎哈尼这样特别的人一定是那些“天才”孩子中的一员。

同义替换:female holder=woman;special=unique

答案:H unique


定位词:根据 summary 小标题 Maryam Mirzakhani 定位到第一段。

出题位置:Mirzakhani was born in Tehran, Iran. She went to a highly selective girls' school but maths wasn't her interest - reading was. 米尔扎哈尼出生于伊朗德黑兰。她上的是一所严格择优录取学生的女子学校,但她的兴趣不是数学,而是阅读。


答案:A appeal(吸引力)


定位词:根据 summary 小标题 Maryam Mirzakhani 定位到第一段。

出题位置:As for maths, she did rather poorly at it for the first couple of years in her middle school, but became interested when her elder brother told her about what he'd learned. He shared a famous maths problem from a magazine that fascinated her - and she was hooked. 至于数学,在她上中学的头几年里,她学得很差,但当她哥哥告诉她他学到的东西时,她开始感兴趣了。他分享了一本杂志上的一个著名的数学问题,这让她着迷——她被迷住了。

同义替换:rather poorly=below average;maths problem=puzzle;elder brother=one of siblings;fascinated/hooked=intrigued

答案:C intrigued(着迷的,感兴趣的)



出题位置:In adult life it is clear that she was curious, excited by what she did and also resolute in the face of setbacks. 在成年后的生活中,很明显,她对自己所做的事情充满好奇和兴奋,面对挫折时也很坚决。

同义替换 : curious=inquiring ; setbacks=things did not go smoothly;resolute=determined

答案:B determined(坚决的)



出题位置:One of her comments sums it up.‘Of course, the most rewarding part is the "Aha" moment, the excitement of discovery and enjoyment of understanding something new... 她的一条评论总结了这一点。“当然,最有意义的部分是‘啊哈’时刻,这是一种发现新事物的兴奋和理解新事物的乐趣。

同义替换:most rewarding=greatest satisfaction;something new=ground-breaking

答案:J satisfaction



出题位置:'...But most of the lime, doing mathematics for me is like being on a long hike with no trail and no end in sight.' That trail took her to the heights of original research into mathematics. “……但大多数时候,研究数学对我来说就像一次没有路也看不到尽头的长途徒步旅行。”这条路把她带到了数学原创性研究的高度。

同义替换:research into mathematics=mathematical studies;original=innovative

答案:I innovative(创新的)