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剑桥雅思17阅读答案解析Test3 第27-31单选题

彭静 2024-08-14 11:22:34

剑桥雅思17共收集了雅思真题4套,羊驼雅思整理了第三套阅读真题答案及解析Test 3 Reading,以下是阅读第三篇文章Passage 3第27-31单选题的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。

剑桥雅思17阅读答案解析Test3 第27-31单选题



Reading Passage 3

剑桥雅思17 Test 3 Passage 3文章原文请查看剑桥雅思17阅读真题电子版Test3 Passage3

Questions 27–31

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 27–31 on your answer sheet.

27   What point does Shester make about Barr's book in the first paragraph?

A  It gives a highly original explanation for urban development.

B  Elements of Barr’s research papers are incorporated throughout the book.

C  Other books that are available on the subject have taken a different approach. 

D  It covers a range of factors that affected the development of New York.

28 How does Shester respond to the information in the book about tenements?

A  She describes the reasons for Barr’s interest.

B  She indicates a potential problem with Barr’s analysis.

C  She compares Barr’s conclusion with that of other writers.

D  She provides details about the sources Barr used for his research. 

29   What does Shester say about chapter six of the book?

A  It contains conflicting data.

B  It focuses too much on possible trends.

C  It is too specialised for most readers.

D  It draws on research that is out of date.

30   What does Shester suggest about the chapters focusing on the 1920s building boom?

A  The information should have been organised differently.

B  More facts are needed about the way construction was financed.

C  The explanation that is given for the building boom is unlikely.

D  Some parts will have limited appeal to certain people.

31   What impresses Shester the most about the chapter on land values?

A  the broad time period that is covered

B  the interesting questions that Barr asks

C  the nature of the research into the topic

D  the recommendations Barr makes for the future




27、定位词 first paragraph,定位第一 段第二句,对应原文:The book combines geology,history,economics,and  a lot  of  data to explain why business  clusters developed where they did and how the early decisions of workers and firms shaped the skyline we see today.  geology,history,economics,and a lot of data 对应选项中的a range of factors,why business clusters developed wherethey did and how the early decisions of workers and firms shaped the skyline we see today.对应选 项中的development of New York. 答案为D.

28、定位词 tenements , 定位到文章第三段第三句,对应原文:I would have liked Barr to expand upon his claim that existing tenements prevented skyscrapers in certain neighborhoods because  'likely  no  skyscraper  developer  was  interested  in performing the necessary'“slum clearance”. would have like Barr to expand up his claim虚拟表示希望Barr能做的但实际上Barr没有做。that后面的内容的Barr的claim,  对应选项中的 potential problem,答案为B.

29、定位词 chapter six,定位到文章第六段倒数两句,对应原文While less technical than the research paper on which the chapter is based,it is probably more technical than would be preferred by a general audience. More technical 对应选项中的 too specialised,a  general audience 对应选项中的most readers,答案为C.

30、定位词1920s building boom,定位到文章第八段前两三句,对应原文Chapters  eight and nine focus on the birth of Midtown and the building boom of the 1920s. Chapter eight contains lengthy discussions of urban economic theory that may serve as a distraction to readers primarily interested in New York.However,they would be well-suited for undergraduates learning about the economics of cities. distraction对应选项中的limited appeal,readersprimarily interested in New York对应选项中的 certain people.答案为D.

31、定位词land values,the most,  定位到文章最后一段,对应原文The data work thatwent into these estimations is particularly impressive. Impressive 对应题干中的impress Shester the most, data work 对应选项中的nature of the research, 答案为C.



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