首页 > 知识 > 剑桥雅思18听力答案Test3第21-30双选+匹配


彭静 2024-09-03 16:48:08

剑桥雅思18共收集了雅思真题4套,羊驼雅思整理了第三套听力真题答案及解析Test 3 Listening,以下是听力第三部分Part 3第21-30题的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。



Test 3 Listening

PART 3 Questions 21-30

Questions 21 and 22双选题

Choose TWO letters,A-E.

Which TWO opinions about the Luddites do the students express?

A   Their actions were ineffective.

B  They are still influential today.

C  They have received unfair criticism.

D  They were proved right.

E  Their attitude is understandable.

Questions 23 and 24双选题

Choose TWO letters,A-E.

Which TWO predictions about the future of work are the students doubtful about?

A  Work will be more rewarding.

B  Unemployment will fall.

C  People will want to delay retiring. D Working hours will be shorter.

E  People will change jobs more frequently.


21&22  AE

23&24  BD

Questions 25-30匹配题

What comment do the students make about each of the following jobs?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter,A-G,next to Questions 25-30.


A These jobs are likely to be at risk.

B Their role has become more interesting in recent years.

C The number of people working in this sector has fallen dramatically.

D This job will require more qualifications.

E Higher disposable income has led to a huge increase in jobs.

F There is likely to be a significant rise in demand for this service.

G Both employment and productivity have risen.


25    Accountants             ………………

26    Hairdressers             ………………

27  Administrative  staff   ………………

28  Agricultural  workers  ………………

29   Care workers             ………………

30   Bank  clerks              ………………


25  G、26  E

27  B、28  C

29  F、30  A