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剑雅17 Test2听力15-20题答案解析及考试题目

刘燕 2024-08-13 17:47:07

剑桥雅思17一共收集了雅思真题4套,下文羊驼小编整理了剑雅17第二套听力真题答案及解析Test 2 Listening,以下是听力第二部分Part 2第15-20题的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑桥雅思17听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总

剑雅17 Test2听力15-20题答案解析及考试题目

Test 2 Listening

PART  2    Questions 15–20

Which activity is offered at each of the following locations on the farm?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A–H, next to Questions 15–20.


    A     shopping

    B     watching cows being milked 

    C     seeing old farming equipment 

D     eating and drinking

E     starting a trip

F    seeing rare breeds of animals 

G     helping to look after animals  

H    using farming tools


15、用 题 干dairy 做定位,对应原文:the dairy was where milk from the cows was   turned into cheese.It's now the place to go for lunch,or afternoon tea,or just a cup of coffe and a slice of homemade cake.吃的和喝的,答案为D.

16、用 题 干large   barn做定位,对应原文:the large barn,and in here is our collection of   agricultural   tools.agricultural对应选项中的farming,H  选项是动词是using, 跟原 文不符合,答案为C.

17、用 题 干small   barn做定位,对应原文:There's  a   small  barn,.,where  you  can   groom the donkeys and horses,to keep their coats clean.groom和 keep clean对应选 项中的look  after,答案为G.

18、用 题 干stables  做定位,对应原文:in the stables,which instead is the place to go to  buy  gifs,books,our  own  jams  and  pickles,and  clothes  and  blankets  made  ofwool   from  our   sheep.对应选项中的shopping,  答 案为A.

19、用题 干shed 做定位,对应原文: Outside the shed,…,you can climb into a horse-drawn carriage for a lovely,relaxing tour of the park and farm.A lovely,relaxing   tour对应选项中的trip,  答案为E.

20、用题干parkland 做定位,对应原文:the parkland,...You'll  see types of cattle and sheep that are hardly ever found on farms these days.Types of cattle and sheep对应  animals,are hardly ever found 对应 rare  breeds,答案为F.


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