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彭静 2024-05-21 17:30:12



1.Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax 最喜欢的地方

You should say:

Where it is

What it is like

What you enjoy doing there

And explain why you feel relaxed at this place


I'm going to talk about my favorite place in my house to relax, which is my living room. This is the main room of the house and the one I spend the most time in.

I have decorated my living room with some greenery and flowers which I bought from a nearby flower market so it always looks alive and fresh. To give it a peaceful atmosphere, I also added a few pillows, blankets and scented candles. Unlike most people, I don't like having a coffee table in the middle of my living room so I have removed it because I want my living room to be clutter-free and spacious.

Usually I would sit in my couch, watching my favorite show or reading a book with the candles lit. Sometimes, I just take a nap there and maybe put on some music with slow tempo to create a more relaxed vibe. And when my friends come over, we would play videos games together.

The reason why I like my living room most is because this is the area where I can be truly myself. It is a place where I can enjoy all my favorite activities without feeling the pressure of everyday life. Also, the clutter-free environment helps to keep my mind clear and creative, which is good for me to enjoy me time and take a breath from my heavy workloads. And the scented candles and soft sofa really helps me to feel at ease and empty my mind. It is a beautiful feeling thinking about nothing. So that’s what make the living room my favorite relaxing place in my house.

2.Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time 喜欢待的另一个城市

You should say:

Where the city is

Whom you will go there with

What you will do there

And explain why you will stay there just for a short time.


I would love to visit Amsterdam in the Netherlands for a short period of time. The city is renowned for its stunning architecture, beautiful canals, and rich culture. I have always been fascinated by the unique Dutch way of life and would love to experience it firsthand.

Amsterdam has numerous museums, including the famous Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum, which houses some of the most important works of Dutch art. I would love to spend a few hours exploring these museums and learning more about the city's rich cultural heritage.

Another thing that attracts me about Amsterdam is its famous canals. The city is often referred to as the "Venice of the North" because of its canals and waterways. I wanna take a boat tour and see the city from a different perspective. It would be a fabulous experience to see the magnificent buildings and bridges from the water.

Finally, I am also interested in Amsterdam's vibrant nightlife. The city is known for its lively bars and clubs, and I really want to experience the energy of the city after dark. I have heard that the nightlife in Amsterdam is like no other, and I am excited to see it for myself.

Overall, I think Amsterdam would be an amazing city to visit for a short period of time. I can't wait to experience all these wonderful city offers.

3.Describe a noisy place you have been to 吵闹的地方

You should say:

What it is

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you feel it's a noisy place


Well, when it comes to the noisy place, the first thing that comes to my mind is a tourist attraction in Chongqing. It is GuanYinQiao in Jiangbei District that is always volatile.

GuanYinQiao itself refers to a short bridge on the ground, but the name has nothing to do with its actual positioning. The place is an prosperous pedestrian street built along with a massive square which is genuinely decorated throughout the year. I've never seen them missed a holiday.

If my memory serves me right, the last time I went to GuanYinQiao was last week. It was a typical Saturday night, boisterous and crowded. I went to the foodie’s street there to get some treats. But I soon noticed that I got blocked because the visitors were constantly surging out as if they were water drops from the ocean.

After a few minutes' struggle, I got inside-- even it was no longer my intention. I fought my way to the burger king branch as all the street food counters were not to be reached. And inside the shop, there were still long queues for the automatic ordering machines. So I ordered takeaway and rushed home without thinking.

There is no doubt that the place is noisy as hell that day. Not just the number of visitors to the street was insanely high, this volume of customers definitely draws various business owners and self-employers to gather around. The uncomfortably loud music, together with their yelling and shouting, makes it a noisy but energetic spot in Chongqing.

4.Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted 被污染的地方

You should say:

Where the place is

When you visited there

Why the air was not good

And explain how you felt about the place.


Sadly, I’ve been to many places where the air was polluted. But the one that really sticks in my mind is a city in the southwest. That is Chongqing, my hometown.

It’s an industrial city and is famous for car factories and a steel plant. For decades, the main source of industry in the city has been polluting. Also, because of the climatic conditions – it's a humid place and surrounded by hills that trap the air inside the city basin – the air doesn't move out of the city much and there are no real winds to blow it. So, when the pollution gets bad, and the cloud cover is extensive, then the bad air just sits there over the city and doesn't really move. It’s horrible. It's a combination of the industry in the city and the geography and climate of the area. Actually, the city is also called the Smoggy City. So you may imagine how gloomy it is every day.

I feel depressed when I'm in a place with bad air, to be honest. It's not only unhealthy to breathe, but it's just depressing to see and experience. It's so unnatural, and it even smells bad too. At the start of autumn, it's even worse because that is when the climate gets dry and wind blows harder within the city, you can smell the power plant fumes and the factory emissions and traffic exhaust all accumulating at the same time. Gladly, these years, it is taken seriously by the government and hopefully they can improve this situation as soon as possible.

5.Describe a new development in the area where you live (eg.shopping mall, park...) 新发展的地方

You should say:

What the development is

When/where you noticed it

How long it took to complete it

And explain how you feel about it


Well, I think I am gonna talk about a new park in my neighbourhood that I really like, and I have to say it's definitely one of the most excellent parks I have ever been in my life so far.

If I am not mistaken, it was about 6 months ago when I I found this new park . and at that time it was still under construction. It is just 5 minutes walking away from where I live, which means I could finally have a place to take a stroll and get some fresh air.

Last month, the park was finally open to public . And I immediately paid a visit to check it out. It’s small but it's got everything! A small pond in the centre of the park where people can sit down and do some fishing; an outdoor work-out area for seniors, you know, those outdoor gyms you can see everywhere in China ; and a kids’ playground with rubber ground cover and swings and slideswhere kids can have fun safely. I'm really happy with this new park. Now I can take a walk easily near home. Prior to this, I could only take a walk with in my apartment compound. I gotta say this park makes my life so much easier. It is small things like this in life that brighten up our mood.








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