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剑雅17 Test2阅读第6-13判断题答案解析

刘燕 2024-08-15 16:16:03

剑桥雅思17一共收集了雅思真题4套,下文羊驼小编整理了剑雅17第二套阅读真题Passage 1答案及解析Test 2 Reading,以下是阅读第一篇文章6-13填空题的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑桥雅思17听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总,为助力各位烤鸭们备考雅思,羊驼教育雅思APP推出剑桥雅思真题及答案解析视频,可在羊驼雅思APP课程一栏获取剑桥雅思系列的视频信息。


Test 2 Reading

剑雅17 Test 1 Passage1阅读原文章请查看剑雅17阅读真题Test2 Passage1原文

Passage  1   Questions 6-13

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?

In boxes 6–13 on your answer sheet, write


if the statement agrees with the information
FALSEif the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVENif there is no information on this

  The Bedouin teenagers who found the scrolls were disappointed by how little money they received for them.

7    There is agreement among academics about the origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

8    Most of the books of the Bible written on the scrolls are incomplete.

9    The information on the Copper Scroll is written in an unusual way.

10    Mar Samuel was given some of the scrolls as a gift.

11    In the early 1950s, a number of educational establishments in the US were keen to buy scrolls from Mar Samuel.

12   The scroll that was pieced together in 2017 contains information about annual occasions in the Qumran area 2,000 years ago.

13   Academics at the University of Haifa are currently researching how to decipher the final scroll.


6、定位词The Bedouin teenagers money,出题句第 一 段第四句 : T h e teenagers took the seven scrolls to a nearby town where they were sold for a small sum to a local antiquities dealer。参考译文:青少年们把这七幅古卷带到附近的一个小镇,在那里他们以小额的价格卖给了当地的一个古董商。解析题干:The Bedouin teenagers who found the scrolls were disappointed by how little money they received for them.译文:发现这些卷轴的贝都因青少年对他们收到的钱太少 感到失望。本题考察青少年是 否disappointed,原文没有提及。答案为NOT GIVEN

7、定位词origin,出题句第 二 段 第 一 句 : T h e origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls,  which  were written around 2,000  years ago between 150 BCE and 70 CE,is still  the subject of scholarly debate even today.参考译 文:死海古卷的起源,写于大约2000年前的公元前150年到公元前70年之间,直到今天仍然是学术争论的主题。解析题干:There is

agreement among academics about the origin of the Dead Sea Scrolls。译文:学术界对死海 古卷的起源达成了一致。本题考察学者们有没有对起源达成一致,原文中debate表明并没有达成一致,题干和原文矛盾。答案为FALSE

8、定位词Bible,出题句第四段第一句:The Dead Sea Scrolls include fragments from every book of the Old Testament of the Bible except for the Book of Esther.参考译文:死海古卷包括除了以斯帖书外《旧约》每本书的碎片。解析题干:Most of the  books of the Bible  written on the scrolls are incomplete.译文:写在卷轴上的 大部分圣经都是不完整的。本题考察是否完整。原文中说except for the Book of Esther,说明其它的是不完整的,对应题干的most of the books,题干和原文一致。答案为TRUE

9、定位词Copper Sceoll,出题句第五段第五句:Using an unconventional vocabulary and  odd spelling,it describes 64 underground hiding places that supposedly contain riches buried  for safekeeping.参考译文:它使用了非传统的词汇和奇怪的拼写,描述了64个地下藏匿处,据信这些藏匿处藏有大量藏宝。解析题干: The information on the

Copper Scroll is written in an unusual way.译文:铜质卷轴上的信息书写方式不同寻常。本题考察unusual way的表达是否正确,原文中提到unconventional vocabulary and odd spelling,题干和原文意思一致。答案为TRUE

10、定位词Mar Samuel gift,出题句第六段第二句:In 1948,a Syrian  Orthodox  archbishop known as Mar Samuel acquired four of the original seven scrolls from a Jerusalem。shoemaker and part-time antiquity dealer,paying

less than $100 for them.参考译文:1948年,叙利亚东正教大主教马尔·塞缪尔(MarSamuel) 以不到100美元的价格从一名耶路撒冷鞋匠和兼职古董商那里获得了七幅古卷中的四幅。解析题干:Mar Samuel was given some of  the scrolls as a gift。译文:马尔 ·塞缪尔收到了一些卷轴作为礼物。本题判 断Mar Samuel是否收到卷轴作为礼物,原文是购买的,不是作为礼物收到的,题干和原文矛盾。答案为FALSE

11、定位词1950s educational  establishments;US,出题句第六段第三四句:He then travelled to the United States and unsuccessfully offered them to a number of universities,including Yale.Finally,in 1954,he placed an advertisement in the business newspaper The Wall Street Journal- under   the   category Miscellaneous Items for Sale’-that read:‘Biblical Manuscripts dating back to at least 200 B.C.are for sale.This would be an  ideal gift to an educational or religious institution by an individual or group. 参考译文:然后他去了美  国,向包括耶鲁大学在内的多所大学提供这些卷轴,但未成功。最后,1954年,他在商业报纸《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)上刊登了一则广告,标题是“待售杂项物品”,内容是:“待售的圣经手稿至少要追溯到公元前200年。这将是个人或团体送给教育或宗教机构的理想礼物。解析题干:In the early 1950s,a number of educational establishments in the US were keen to buy scrolls from Mar Samuel.译文:20世纪50年代初,美国许多教育机构热衷于从马尔·塞缪尔那里购买卷轴。题干和原文矛盾,不是教育机构热衷,而是Mar Samuel向教育机构提供。答案为FALSE

12、定位词2017;annual occasions,出题句第七段倒数第二句:The  scroll names celebrations that indicate shifts in seasons and details two yearly religious events known from another Dead Sea Scroll.译文:该卷轴命名的庆祝活动,表明季节的变化, 并详细介绍了两年一次的宗教活动已知的另一个死海卷轴。解析题干:The scroll that was pieced together in 2017 containsTRUE information about annual occasions in the  Qumran  area 2,000 years ago.译文:2017年拼凑的卷轴包含2000年前库姆兰地区的年度活动信息。题干和原文一致,题干中的annual occasions对应原文中的yearly religious events。答案为TRUE

13、定位词University of Haifa,出题句第七段第一句及最后一句:In 2017,researchers from the University of  Haifa   restored   and deciphered one of the last untranslated scrolls.译文:2017年,海法大学的研究人员修复并破译了最后一批未翻译的古卷。解析题干:Academics at the University of  Haifa are currently researching how to decipher the final scroll.译文:海法大学的学者们目前正在研究 如何解读最终卷轴。 目前currently在原 文中没有提及。答案为NOT GIVEN



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