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剑雅17阅读33-36判断题Test4 Passage3答案解析

刘燕 2024-08-22 15:12:59

剑桥17一共收集了雅思真题4套,下文羊驼小编整理了剑雅17第四套阅读真题Passage 3答案及解析Test 4 Reading,以下是阅读部分第一篇文章第27-32题的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。想要了解更多关于剑雅17听力和阅读真题答案及解析的考生可查看剑雅17听力阅读真题答案及解析汇总,为助力各位烤鸭们备考雅思,羊驼教育雅思APP推出剑桥雅思真题及答案解析视频,可在羊驼雅思APP课程一栏获取剑桥雅思系列的视频信息。

剑雅17阅读真题Test4 Passage3题目

Test 4 Reading

剑雅17 Test 4 Passage3阅读原文章请查看剑雅17阅读真题Test4 Passage3原文

Passage  2   Questions 33–36

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 33–36 on your answer sheet, write

TRUEif the statement agrees with the information
FALSEif the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVENif there is no information about this

33    In the forthcoming games, all the participants will be blindfolded.

34    Gareyev has won competitions in BASE jumping.

35    UCLA is the first university to carry out research into blindfold chess players.

36    Good chess players are likely to be able to play blindfold chess.

剑雅17阅读真题Test4 Passage3答案解析


33、定位词forthcoming  games,all  the  participants,blindfolded,定位到原文A 段第三句,对应原文: While his challengers will play the games as normal,Gareyev himself will  be  blindfolded.参考译文:虽然他的挑战者将照常参加比赛,但 Gareyev本人将被蒙上眼睛。题干In the forthcoming games,all the participants will be blindfolded.在即将到来的比赛中,所有参赛者的眼睛都将被蒙上。原文是只 有Gareyev 蒙上眼睛,并不是所有参赛者,题干与原文相反,答案为FALSE.

34、定位词BASE   jumping,定位到原文A 段第六句,对应原文:He has a fondness for bright clothes and unusual hairstyles,and he gets his kicks from the adventure sport of BASE jumping.参考译文:他喜欢鲜艳的衣服和不寻常的发型,他从定 点跳伞冒险运动中获得了乐趣。题干Gareyev has won competitions in BASE jumping.Gareyev 已经在定点跳伞比赛中获胜。原文没有提到Base jumping的比 赛,也没有提到Gareyev 赢了,答案为NOT GIVEN.

35、定位词UCLA,first  university,research,定位原文B 段第二三句,对应原文: In the hope of understanding how he and others like him can perform such mental feats,researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA)called him in for tests.They now have their first results.参考译文:为了了解他和其他像他一样 的人如何能够完成这样的智力壮举,洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学 (UCLA)   的研究人 员对他进行了测试。他们现在有了第一个结果。题干UCLA is the first university to carry out research into blindfold chess players.UCLA是第一所对蒙眼棋手进行研究的大学。原文提到 UCLA做了研究,但是并没有提到是 the  first  university,答案为NOT GIVEN.

36、定位词Good chess players,定位原文B 段第四句,对应原文 The ability to play a game of chess with your eyes closed is not a  far reach  for most  accomplished players.  参考译文:对大多数有成就的棋手来说,闭着眼睛下棋的能力并不难。 题干 Good chess players are likely to be able to play blindfold chess.好的棋手很可 能可以蒙眼下棋。题干中的good chess players对应原文的most accomplished players,are likely to be able to play对应原文的is not a far reach,答案为TRUE.