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剑桥雅思17阅读答案解析Test3 第32-35判断题

彭静 2024-08-14 11:29:59

剑桥雅思17共收集了雅思真题4套,羊驼雅思整理了第三套阅读真题答案及解析Test 3 Reading,以下是阅读第三篇文章Passage 3第32-35判断题的题目、答案及解析,供烤鸭们复习参考。

剑桥雅思17阅读答案解析Test3 第32-35判断题



Reading Passage 3

剑桥雅思17 Test 3 Passage 3文章原文请查看剑桥雅思17阅读真题电子版Test3 Passage3

Questions 32–35

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 32–35 on your answer sheet, write

YES    if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO    if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN    if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

32、The description in the first chapter of how New York probably looked from the air in the early 1600s lacks interest.

33、Chapters two and three prepare the reader well for material yet to come.

34、The biggest problem for many nineteenth-century New York immigrant neighbourhoods was a lack of amenities.

35、In the nineteenth century, New York’s immigrant neighbourhoods tended to concentrate around the harbour.




32、定位词first chapter,the early 1600s,lacks,定位到文章第二段第一句,对应原 文 Barr begins chapter one by taking the reader on a 'helicopter time-machine'ride— giving a fascinating account of how the New York landscape in 1609 might have looked from the sky.参考译文 :Barr 在第一章开头,带领读者乘坐“直升时光 机”— 生动地描述了1609年的纽约景观从天空俯瞰的样子。题干The description in the first chapter of how New York probably looked from the air in the early 1600s lacks interest.第一章中关于17世纪初俯瞰纽约的描述缺乏趣味。题干中关键点是lacks interest,但是原文中是fascinating, 相反,答案为NO.

33、定位词Chapters two and three,material yet to come,定位到文章第三段,对应原文:Chapters two and three take the reader up to the Civil War(1861-1865),with chapter two focusing on the early development of land and the implementation of a grid system in 1811.Chapter three focuses on land use before the Civil War.Both chapters are informative and well researched and set the stage for the economic analysis that comes later in the book.参考译文:第二章和第三章将读者带到美国内战(1861- 1865年),第二章侧重于土地的早期开发和1811年网格系统的实施。第三章侧重于内战之前的土地利用。这两章内容丰富且经过充分研究,为本书后面的经济分析奠定了基础。题干Chapters two and three prepare thereader well for material yet to come.第二章和第三章为读者准备了后面的内容。are informative and well researched and set the stage for the economic analysis对应题干中的 preparethe reader well for material yet to come,答案为YES。

34、定位词nineteenth-century New York immigrant neighbourhoods,amenities,定位到文章第四段前两句,对应原文Chapter four focuses on immigration and the location ofneighborhoods and tenements in the late 19th century.Barr identifies four primary immigrant enclaves and analyzes their locations in terms of the amenities available in the area.参考译文:第四章侧重于19世纪后期的移民以及社区和公 寓的位置。Barr确定了四个主要的移民飞地,并根据该地区的便利设施分析了它们的位置。题干The biggest problem for many nineteenth-century New York immigrant neighbourhoods was a lack of amenities.对于许多19世纪的纽约移民社区来说,最大的问题是缺乏便利设施。题干中的lack在原文没有体现,答案为 NOT GIVEN.

35、定位词 the nineteenth century,New York's immigrant neighbourhoods,定位到文章第四段最后一句,紧跟在上一题的内容之后,对应原文Most of these enclaves were located on the least valuable land,between the industries located on the waterfront and the wealthy neighborhoods bordering Central Park.参考译文:这些飞地中的大多数都位于价值最低的土地上,位于海滨工业区和与毗邻中央公园的富裕社区之间。题干In the nineteenth century,New York's immigrant neighbourhoods tended to concentrate around the harbour.在19世纪,纽约的移民社区往往集中在港口周围。地点不一致,答案为NO。


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